Joselito E Uma Egua
Artigo: Joselito E Uma Egua. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: megagay • 4/4/2014 • 477 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 251 Visualizações
Entry - smile + name tags and allow children to use small equipment , (manipulative and books) until all children have arrived
Whole group - Greeting Song, weather, calendar, news and review the previous songs, introduce ABABAB Patterns with blocks on the mat.
Toilets – They go when they want to.
Activity Time: - 5 children go to Free Play ,
Each child will need several of two different items to make a simple ABABAB pattern.
- Teacher/aide show an ABABAB pattern with concrete objects. i.e. big block-small block, big-small, big-small or scissor-crayon, scissor-crayon, scissor-crayon or Pen-glue, pen-glue, pen-glue. Ask the children, “What comes next?” The children see you set up the pattern on the floor or on a table in a STRAIGHT line. Do several
patterns, always asking, “What comes next?
- Adult supervises and helps where needed. When a child is feels they have completed a pattern, ask that child to read the pattern back to you. There should be at least THREE repetitions to show an
established pattern.
- After the children have made at least three patterns, stop the activity. Ask the children to put the similar items back in the boxes or baggies or piles and let them go to Free Play.
Free Choice play and Clean Up
Snack and Clean Up
Whole group –, Reading and discussing
Whole group - Goodbye song
Entry - smile + name tags and allow children to use small equipment , (manipulative and books) until all children have arrived
Whole group - Greeting Song, weather, calendar, news and review the previous songs,Review AB pattern by using movement. i.e. stomp, clap , blink, turn, etc
Toilets – They go when they want to.
Activity Time: To show the ABABAB pattern and ask them to do the same,
Free Choice play and Clean Up
Snack and Clean Up
Whole group –Jump Up Song, Reading and discussing
Whole group - Goodbye song
Entry - smile + name tags and allow children to use small equipment , (manipulative and books) until all children have arrived
Whole group - Greeting Song, weather, calendar, news and review the previous songs,Review AB pattern by using movement. i.e. stomp, clap , blink, turn, etc, and introduce ABC pattern
Toilets – They go when they want to.
Activity Time: To show the ABC pattern and ask them to do the same,
Free Choice play and Clean Up
Snack and Clean Up
Whole group –Jump Up Song, Reading and discussing
Whole group - Goodbye song