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História da Rússia

Artigo: História da Rússia. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  15/5/2014  •  Artigo  •  1.729 Palavras (7 Páginas)  •  228 Visualizações

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Russia (Russian Россия), capital Moscow, Russian Federation officially, with 17,075,400 square kilometers, Russia is the country with the largest area in the world, covering more than a ninth of the Earth's area. Russia is also the ninth most populous nation with 142 million people.

One of the first modern human bones, dated 35,000 years old, was found in Russia, in Kostenki on the banks of the River Don

The only remains of the Denisova hominin that lived about 41,000 years, were discovered in Denisova Cave in southern Siberia.

The country's history begins with the East Slavs, who emerged as a recognized group in Europe between the third and eighth centuries. Founded and ruled by a noble Viking warrior class and their descendants, the first Slavic state, Kievan Rus, arose in the ninth century and adopted Orthodox Christianity from the Byzantine Empire in 988.

In the tenth and eleventh centuries, the Principality of Kiev has become one of the largest and most prosperous states in Europe.

The reigns of Vladimir the Great (980-1015) and his son Yaroslav I the Wise (1019-1054), were the "Golden Age of Kiev", when the orthodox Christianity of Byzantium was assimilated by the people and when the first written legal code of the East Slavs was created, the Russkaya Pravda.

Finally, the Kievan Rus disintegrated with the final blow was that the Mongol invasion of 1237-1240, which resulted in the destruction of Kiev and the death of about half the population of the Principality.

The invading Mongol elite, along with their conquered subjects Turks (Cumans, Bulgars and kiptchaks).

In development of the Third Rome ideas, the Grand Duke Ivan IV "Terrible" was officially crowned the first Tsar ("Caesar") of Russia in 1547. Tsar promulgated a new code of laws (Sudebnik), established the first representative body Russian feudal (Zemsky Sobor's) and introduced local self-management in the regions rurais.A death of the sons of Ivan marked the end of ancient Rurikovitch Dynasty in 1598, conbinada hunger, led the nation to civil war.

Under the rule of Peter the Great, Russia was proclaimed an Empire in 1721 and became recognized as a world power. During his rule between 1682 and 1725, Peter defeated Sweden in the Great Northern War, forcing it to cede Karelia and Ingria (two regions that the Russians lost during the Time of Difficulties).

In 1812, the great army of Napoleon enters Moscow, but is forced to abandon it, since the city had been evacuated and was empty. The Russians had laid a trap against the French emperor. The cold and lack of resources were responsible for the death of 95% of the French troops.

Bloody Sunday: it was a massacre that took place on January 22 (according to the old calendar, January 9) 1905 in the city of St. Petersburg, the Russian Empire, where peaceful demonstrators marched to the Winter Palace to petition the Tsar Nicholas II and were shot by the Imperial Guard.The uprising was controlled, but the government was forced to concede major reforms, including granting the freedoms of speech and assembly, the legalization of political parties, and the creation of an elected legislative body, the State Duma of the Russian Empire.

In 1914 Russia entered World War 1 side of the Triple Entente, and 13 million were mobilized soldiers. The Russian army, not relying on modern equipment and weapons, suffered heavy defeats and defections.

Successive defeats during the First World War and the general discontent of the population meant that the domestic economy began to deteriorate. On this occasion, the Soviets emerge and Workers' Party Russian Social Democratic, founded in 1898, and later split between the Mensheviks and the Bolsheviks two analogues minority (меньше) and majority (больше), in Russian terms.

This socio-political framework has been profoundly altered by the outbreak of the First World War. The February Revolution of 1917 marked the first phase of the Russian Revolution. The immediate result was the abdication of Tsar Nicholas II. It occurred as a result of popular dissatisfaction with the tsarist autocracy, and negative country's participation in the First World War.

The October Revolution in Russia, also known as the Bolshevik Revolution or Red Revolution, was the second phase of the Russian Revolution of 1917, after the February Revolution of the same year. Began with the coup, led by Vladimir Lenin and the Bolsheviks against the provisional government on 25 October 1917.

After the October Revolution, a civil war broke out between the White Army, which was anti, and the new Soviet regime with its Red Army. The Bolshevik Russia lost its Ukrainian territories, Polish, Baltic and Finnish by signing the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk, which ended hostilities with the Central Powers of World War II.

The Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic together with the Socialist Soviet Republics of Ukraine, Belarus and Transcaucasia, formed the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), or simply the Soviet Union on December 30, 1922. A Russian Socialist Republic was the largest and most populous of the 15 republics that made up the USSR.

After Lenin's death in 1924, a Troika was appointed to rule the Soviet Union. However, Josef Stalin, the then general secretary of the Communist Party, managed to suppress all opposition groups within the party and consolidate power in his hands. Leon Trotsky was exiled from the Soviet Union in 1929 and the idea of Stalin's "socialism in one country".

Under the leadership of Stalin, the government launched launched a planned economy, industrialization of the country. During this period of rapid economical and social changes, millions of people were sent to labor camps, including many political prisoners who opposed Stalin's rule.

The appeasement policy promoted by the UK and France over the annexation of Austria and the invasion of Czechoslovakia enlarged the might of Nazi Germany and put a threat of war between the regime of Adolf Hitler and the Soviet Union. At the same time, the Third Reich allied with the Empire of Japan, a rival of the Soviet Far East and an open enemy of the USSR.

On 22 June 1941, Nazi Germany broke the non-aggression treaty and invaded the Soviet Union with the largest and most powerful invasion force in human history and opening the largest theater of the Second World War. the attack was halted in the Battle of Moscow, his army hard derotado by cold and hunger.

The battle was the turning point of the war on the eastern front, marking the boundary of German


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