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Revolucao Americana-texto Em Ingles

Trabalho Universitário: Revolucao Americana-texto Em Ingles. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  9/3/2014  •  352 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  273 Visualizações

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Before we start talking about the independence you got to understand what was happening in the world. At the end of the Seven Years War (conflict between France, Austria and its allies on the one hand, and England, Portugal and its allies on the other), fell on the American colonists the obligation to pay part of the English debt contracted with the war.

In 1764 the British passed a new tax called Sugar Act, tax on sugar. The new tax passed to weigh not only on refined sugar imported by the colonies, but also about wine, coffee, textiles and other goods. But that was not all, in 1765, the British created another law named the Stamp Act (Law Seal): papers relating to business transactions and even newspapers should be sealed, which represented new charge. The new taxes cause the high cost of living. Protests spread through various regions. It creates an organization fighting the Sons of Liberty.

Boycott of British merchants to exchange spans several ports .London repealing the Stamp Act, but creates new and heavy taxes, known as the Townshend Acts. Here are protests in various regions and strong boycott. Imports from England fall .London abolish certain taxes, but clashes continue. British flags were burned in public. Feeling of independence begins to take shape. London grant to the East India a monopoly on the tea trade in the colonies, that was a very important decision, because it got a consequence, the Tea Party (1773), “in which colonist dumped a cargo of tea into Boston harbor rather than pay duties under The Tea Act. There were some events after that and by 1775 tensions were very high. The war of American independence had begun.

The 13 British colonies of America were the first to become independent in the New World. We found a significant influence of the Enlightenment in the process of liberation of America, to which were added to other factors. George Washington took command of the American troops. The Declaration of Independence was drafted by Thomas Jefferson jurist, follower of Enlightenment ideas. The document was adopted on July 4, 1776.


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