Segumda Guerra Mundial
Artigo: Segumda Guerra Mundial. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: daniel13end • 8/6/2014 • 763 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 251 Visualizações
Instructor Note:
These slides contain animated objects. This presentation is intended to be viewed in “Slide Show”. Each click of the mouse will move an object, make an object appear/disappear or show an arrow. Each bulleted line in the Notes Pages correspond the sequential order of each “action” and describes that action.
On some Notes Pages: Lines in RED represent Soviet Movements/Action which are provided to understand what is happening to Germany during US/UK actions.
1933 – The Nazi Party came to power in Germany (the Third Reich forms). Hitler began to rebuild the military in direct violation of the Treaty of Versailles (secretly at first, and in public by 1935 – the Western democracies do nothing).
March 1936 – Germans occupied the Rhineland with troops – again violating the Treaty of Versailles and again resulting in no reaction from the Western democracies.
March 1938 – Austria was annexed by the Third Reich.
Sept 1938 – Munich Agreement. Britain and France agreed to Hitler’s demands to ‘free’ oppressed German people that lived within the Czech Republic. German troops occupied the Sudetenland in the first weeks of October.
March 1939 – Germany seized the remainder of western Czechoslovakia. The western democracies finally realized Hitler’s true intention of conquest. The southeastern portion became the Slovak Republic, allied with Germany.
April 1939. Similarly, Italy invaded Albania and then become officially allied with Germany with the “Pact of Steel” in May.
1 September 1939 Germany invaded Poland with two Army Groups. On 17 Sept the Soviet Union, who had previously signed a non-aggression agreement with Germany (Molotov-Rippentrop Pact: 23 August 1939) invaded and occupied eastern Poland. France and Britain declared war on Germany.
27 September 1940. Tripartite Pact: The Axis Powers formally came into being. Germany, Japan and Italy signed this agreement to mutually support each other in their quest to conquer their spheres of influence. Hungary and Romania joined in November ’40 and Bulgaria joined in March 41.
October 1939-April 1940. The ‘Phony War’. Germany built up forces to invade France while France established defenses behind her Maginot Line (a series of strong fortifications on the French-German Border). Since the Maginot Line did not extend beyond that border, the French positioned their more mobile forces, including the British Expeditionary Force, on the Belgium Border, which would cross that border should the Germans attempt a repeat of the Schlieffen plan they had executed at the beginning of WW I. This, the Dyer Plan, would meet and defeat any German attack trying to swing around the Maginot Line, through Belgium/Netherlands.
9 April – German forces occupied Denmark
9 April – June. Germans invaded Norway. These two actions protect the German trade routes with Sweden (Iron Ore) and assisted Germany to execute her future submarine campaign in the Atlantic.
10 May 1940 – Battle of France. The Germans invaded the Netherlands and Belgium (bypassing the Maginot Line). Britain and France moved to counter this attack.
German Army Group A (containing the majority of the