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Analise do poema The Questions by Lily Brett

Por:   •  12/3/2018  •  Resenha  •  322 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  248 Visualizações

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JSuicide is a way for human beings to end their sufferings by taking their own lives. The feeling of pain, solitude and anguish gets too extreme for them that they start to prefer to perish from their lives to feel nothing more. This is exactly what the poem discusses where a soldier is in the midst of war who commits suicide due to the misery that entered his life because of this war. As many people will come to a conclusion to think of the boy as a coward and weak, no one will ever know what went through his mind, what he had lived, what he felt or whom he lost in that war. People will always have opinions on others as they only see the tip of the iceberg however they don’t see what lies beneath where they think they know everything.Thats why maybe he took his own life as he saw how humanity acted in such an obnoxious way. I think that it was very brave of him to even go war let alone take his own life in the midst of such a war. If i were in his place i think I would’ve done the same where i wouldn’t of been able to kill another who has has a family and had done nothing wrong to me. Soldiers after war would never be the same as before the war, after experiencing such terror. The boy could’ve had a life after that war surrounded by his loved ones however he still preferred to die in that filthy trench. Which the poem describes “with crumps and lice and lack of rum” where soldiers had to live such a horrible life like this. No one remembered him or even thought how poor that boy was and what he had gone through as it was just another normal death in a war where he ended up dying without being honored properly.


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