- Trabalhos, Monografias, Artigos, Exames, Resumos de livros, Dissertações

Atividades para aulas de inglês

Por:   •  16/4/2024  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  318 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  78 Visualizações

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John is a highly successful entrepreneur who owns several companies. He wakes up early every morning, eats a healthy breakfast, and goes to work. At work, he checks his emails, meets with his team, and makes important decisions. In his free time, he enjoys reading books, watching documentaries, and spending time with his family. He also volunteers at a local charity organization and donates money to several causes. John is a very busy man, but he always finds time to take care of himself and those around him.

  1. Who is John and what does he do?
  2. Does John wake up early or late in the morning?
  3. What does John eat for breakfast?
  4. What are some of the things John does at work? 
  5. What does John do in his free time?

  1. Does John volunteer at a local charity organization?
  2. Does John donate money to any causes?
  3. Is John a busy man or does he have a lot of free time?
  4. Does John take care of himself and those around him?
  5. Do you think John is a good role model for entrepreneurs? Why or why not?

Questions about you!

  1. What time do you usually wake up in the morning?
  2. Do you have breakfast before going to work/school?
  3. What do you usually do in your free time?
  4. Do you have any hobbies? 
  5. Do you enjoy exercising?
  6. What kind of music do you like listening to?
  7. Do you prefer watching movies or TV shows?
  8. Do you have any pets?
  9. What's your favorite type of food?
  10. Do you like cooking?
  1. Do you enjoy traveling?
  2. Do you have any siblings?
  3. What's your favorite book or movie?
  4. Do you speak any other languages besides English?
  5. What's your favorite thing about your job/school?
  6. Do you have any plans for the weekend?
  7. Do you like to read?
  8. Do you have a favorite sports team?
  9. What's your favorite season?
  10. Do you prefer spending time indoors or outdoors?


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