Trabalho Escolar: COMPARATIVES AND SUPERLATIVES: ADJECTIVES. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: Cleide1980 • 27/5/2013 • 2.237 Palavras (9 Páginas) • 542 Visualizações
Big, bigger, biggest; attractive, more attractive, most attractive
as big as, not so big as
How do you make comparison using short adjectives?
A Study these examples:
The Rhine is longer than the Thames. The Thames is not as long as Rhine.
Moscow is colder than London. London is not as cold as Moscow.
A gorilla is stronger than a man. A man is not as strong as a gorilla.
Now complete the following in the same way:
( warm ) A down jacket is _________________ A windbreaker is _______________
a windbreaker. a down jacket.
( small ) A humming-bird is ________________ A sparrow ____________________
a sparrow. a humming-bird.
( old ) Fred is ____________________ Tessa. Tessa is _________________ Fred.
( tall ) De Gaulle was ___________________ Churchill was _________________
Churchill. De Gaulle.
( cheap ) In Spain wine is __________________ In Spain Lemonade is __________
lemonade. __________ wine.
B Study these examples:
Spain is hot, but Morocco is hotter (than Spain).
Morumbi is a big stadium, but Maracanã is bigger than Morumbi.
Mary is nice, but Jane is nicer.
Now complete these adjective forms in the same way as the ones above:
hot __________ thin _________ nice __________ wise _________
big __________ wet _________ large _________ wide _________
fat __________ pure _________
Look at this table, then complete the sentences that follow it:
Area Average
Zimbabwe 4.100.000
4.900.000 752.614 km 2
390.580 km 2 26 - 37 º C
18 - 24 º C 70 – 125 cm
80 – 130 cm Lusaka
1 Zambia __________________________ Zimbabwe. (big)
2 The population of Zambia ___________________ the population in Zimbabwe. (large)
3 Zimbabwe ________________________ Zambia. (cool)
4 The climate in Zambia ________________________ the climate in Zimbabwe. (wet)
5 The capital of Zambia ____________________ the capital of Zimbabwe. (small)
6 Zambia ________________________ Zimbabwe. (dry)
7 Zimbabwe ___________________________ Zambia. (hot)
8 Harare is a ________________ city than Lusaka. (big)
SHEPHERD,J. ROSSNER,R. TAYLOR,J. WAYS TO GRAMMAR, London: Macmillan Publishers LTD, 1986.
How do you form comparatives and superlatives using longer adjectives?
A Study these examples:
The garden is more attractive than the house. The house is not as attractive as the garden.
A man may be more intelligent than an ape. An ape may not be as intelligent as a man.
A deck chair is more comfortable than the floor.The floor is not as comfortable as a deckchair.
Now complete the following in the same way:
( exciting ) I think soccer is ______________________________ chess. I think chess is
________________________________________________ soccer.
( interesting ) Paris is really _____________________________ Manchester. Manchester
is really _________________________________________ Paris.
(co-operative) Marie is ___________________________________ Brain. Brain is ______
_______________________________________ Marie.
( experienced ) The older teachers are ________________________________________ the
younger ones. The younger teachers are ____________________________
the older ones.
B Study these examples: