Coach - Small and Large Enterprises
Por: Beatriz Rossetti • 27/2/2016 • Bibliografia • 1.075 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 359 Visualizações
The advertisement is intended to influence the behavior or potential user of attitude, customer or reseller before the advertised product or service. It has clear objectives:
- Create desire
- Report
- Generate search
- Create organization name recognition
- Disseminate the organization's motives
- Create a favorable image
- To facilitate the task of selling
- Create profits or losses exceed
- Enhancing the decision of the initial choice - to retain customer loyalty or user
- Remember benefits (eg drinking milk is good) - remember harm (usually institutional ads ex: smoking damages health)
In general, job ads say more than that at first glance may seem to. In fact, they are hiding the key to the success of the first stage of an application once identifying the profile that the company seeks and thus establish proximity with the profile that the candidate offers.
Thus, it is essential to achieve identified which the fundamental points of an ad, to remove as much information as possible and know select which want and must respond.
We help you analyze each point offer to the point, so as not to waste their time do not waste the time of those responsible for recruitment.
# Company Identification - An advertisement which is identified entity "recruiter" is an essential help for applicants. However, it should not always be an exclusionary criterion, since anonymity is often used as a way to avoid candidates that are attracted only by the "name" of the organization. The Company identify the candidate must be concerned to know more about the activity and positioning that, in order to enhance your application.
# Title - The function for which it is recruiting must be objectively reported and highlighted in the ad. Phrases like "earn money fast" or "find your dream" should be viewed with some suspicion since only serve to capture the interest of unsuspecting candidates and nothing abonam to the seriousness and professionalism of the company in question.
# Region - is an aspect often overlooked but which is essential during the recruitment process. If you live in Porto and then you want to continue to make your life because reason there are to respond to an advertisement for the island of Madeira? Keep an eye out and, before responding, make sure whether he was in fact willing to go live to the place of supply concerned. If indeed it is with pretensions to change, be clear in their application and expresses its ease and willingness to relocate in the city or country of destination.
# Academic - If the company requires a newly licensed inexperienced, not worth answering if you already have three or four years of professional experience. If a specific course or there is a safeguard "related fields", check that their qualifications are in line with what is required is not required. In these cases, the suitability of qualifications also relates to the wage expectation for each profile.
# Work Experience - A trial period than required should not discourage, but you must objectively examine whether its "maturity" professional fits the desired profile by the company. Not to say that do not try to grow professionally, but you need to know risk, always keeping your feet on the ground ...
# Technical knowledge - is essential to distinguish between what is required as a basic requirement and what skills are preferred ("notions of ..." or "gives preference to ..."). If tools are listed that you know it is not even because, of course, does not meet the requirements for the role.
# Personal profile - For the subjectivity inherent to this criterion, the general rule outlined features are merely exemplary and never qualifiers. However, you should be aware of the company's references to them I reflected power in your CV or, better yet, at the interview.
# Age - Unfortunately, there is a growing tendency to discriminate professionals for their age and often a good professional experience is deprecated due to the age criterion. However, this is not always a knockout requirement, provided that the candidate learn value CV for the other aspects. Do not ignore altogether this element but if the gap with the stroke limit is not very high, risk, emphasizing some skills acquired through experience.
# Sex - Pay particular attention to any sexual discrimination, as they are prohibited by law. In legal terms, all people should have the same rights of access to a job. If disclose any form of discrimination, make a complaint to the advertising company or to the competent authorities.