Estudos Disciplinares 2015(2)
Por: APatarello • 27/11/2015 • Trabalho acadêmico • 2.691 Palavras (11 Páginas) • 1.407 Visualizações
Pergunta 1
Consider the figure of the “manticore”: a mythological animal that is a mixture of human and different beasts:
[pic 1]
It has been considered as a symbol of immigrant or diasporic writing because:
I. It symbolizes the cultural metamorphosis that takes place when post-colonial writers emigrate from their own countries to the big European metropolis.
II. It refers to the second period of post-colonial literature when, through hybridity and metamoprhosis, post-colonial authors were searching for answers about their own cultural identities.
III.It refers to the first period of post-colonial literature when post-colonial authors were trying to rescue the old pre-colonial traditions.
IV. It symbolizes the post-colonial authors’ desire to mimic the culture of the colonizer.
V. It symbolizes the post-colonial authors’ desire to reject the culture of the colonizer.
Choose the correct alternative
RESPOSTA - B. Only I and II are correct
Pergunta 2
1 em 1 pontos
[pic 2] | Napierkowski and Ruby (1997) are quoted as saying the following about Shakespeare’s Sonnet 116: “But perhaps the strangest juxtaposition regarding “Sonnet 116” is this: though the sonnet is probably one of the least understood in Shakespeare’s 154-poem sonnet sequence, it is a perennial favorite and a popular anthology poem”.
Read the sonnet and then choose the correct alternative below:
Let me not to the marriage of true minds Admit impediments. Love is not love Which alters when it alteration finds, Or bends with the remover to remove: O no! it is an ever-fixed mark That looks on tempests and is never shaken; It is the star to every wandering bark, Whose worth’s unknown, although his height be taken. Love’s not Time’s fool, though rosy lips and cheeks Within his bending sickle’s compass come: Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, But bears it out even to the edge of doom. If this be error and upon me proved, I never writ, nor no man ever loved.
The difficulty in understanding the sonnet arises from I.The negative images through which enduring love is affirmed. II.The use of complex images. III.Rather than telling what love is, the Lyrical I tells the reader what love is not. IV.The complicated logic through which opposing images are juxtaposed. V.The use of hyperbole to emphasize the quality of love.
Choose the correct alternative | |||
RESPOSTA – A. I, II, III, IV and V are correct.
Pergunta 3
Virginia Woolf escreveu no seu ensaio “Modern Fiction” (1932) a respeito do começo do século vinte, após a Primeira Guerra Mundial: “Todas as relações humanas mudaram - entre patrões e criados, maridos e mulheres, pais e filhos. E, quando mudam as relações humanas, mudam ao mesmo tempo a religião, o comportamento, a política e a literatura”. Houve vários movimentos na literatura que refletiram essa nova ordem e ficaram conhecidos como sendo Avant Garde. Um desses movimentos foi:
RESPOSTA – A. O Imagismo.
Pergunta 4
Leia o Soneto XVIII, de William Shakespeare.
Soneto XVIII
Se te comparo a um dia de verão
És por certo mais belo e mais ameno
O vento espalha as folhas pelo chão
E o tempo do verão é bem pequeno.
Às vezes brilha o Sol em demasia
Outras vezes desmaia com frieza;
O que é belo declina num só dia,
Na eterna mutação da natureza.
Mas em ti o verão será eterno,
E a beleza que tens não perderás;
Nem chegarás da morte ao triste inverno:
Nestas linhas com o tempo crescerás.
E enquanto nesta terra houver um ser,
Meus versos vivos te farão viver.
(Trad. Bárbara Heliodora)
Leia as alternativas abaixo:
I-O poema se compõe de dois quartetos e um dístico
II-Entre os quartetos se estabelece um contraponto visual, linguístico e temático.
III- O dístico final não traz a resolução da temática apresentada através do poema e o final é aberto.
IV- O soneto imortaliza o ser amado.
V- Infelizmente, gerações posteriores não conheceram a beleza do ser amado.
Escolha a alternativa correta
Pergunta 5
Read the following alternatives about postcolonial literature
I. Postcolonial literature’s distinctive stereotyped language was geared to reveal the white man’s superiority on the colonized peoples.
II. Postcolonial literature is deeply favors experiences of cultural exclusion and division under empire and afterwards.
III. It is worth recalling that initiatives which we now call postcolonial only began to emerge at the time of formal independence, and therefore did not form part of colonial literature.
IV. The term postcolonial still draws support for its usefulness as an "umbrella term", a way of bracketing together the literatures written in those countries which were once colonies of Britain.
V. To give expression to colonized experience, postcolonial writers sought to undercut thematically and formally the discourses which supported colonization – the myths of power, the race classifications, the imagery of subordination.
Choose the correct alternative
RESPOSTA – B. Only I, IV and V are correct
Pergunta 6
Leia as alternativas abaixo sobre o Romantismo:
I. Os românticos enfatizaram o indivíduo, de modo a contrastar fundamentalmente com o caráter típico do teatro neoclássico. O herói artista foi apresentado em vários tipos: Prometheu, Caim, o Ancient Mariner, Hester Prynne e Fausto.