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O conto de fadas "Cachinhos dourados e os Três ursos"

Artigo: O conto de fadas "Cachinhos dourados e os Três ursos". Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  11/10/2013  •  Artigo  •  426 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  606 Visualizações

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Goldilocks and three bears


Once upon a time there was a little girl. Her name was goldilocks. She had golden hair. One day goldilocks was walking in the florest. She saw a house and knocked on the door. She went inside. Nobody was there. Goldilocks saw three bowls on the table. She was hungry.


-this porridge too hot!

-this porridge too cold!

-this porridge is just right!


Goldilocks ate all the porridge. Goldilocks was tired now.


-this chair is too big!

-this chair is too big, too!

-this chair a just right!


But the chair broke! Goldilocks was very tired. She went upstairs.


-this bed is too hard!

-this bed is too soft!

-this bed is just right!


Soon, the bears came home.

Daddy Bear:

-Someone’s been eating my porridge! N: Said Daddy Bear.

Mummy Bear:

-Someone’s been eating my porridge! N: Said Mummy Bear.

Baby Bear:

-Someone’s been eating my porridge! And it’s all gone! N: said Baby Bear.

Daddy bear:

-Someone’s been sitting on my chair! N: Said Daddy Bear.

Mummy Bear:

-Someone’s been sitting on my chair! N: Said Mummy Bear.

Baby Bear:

-Someone’s been sitting on my chair! And it’s broken! N: Said Baby Bear.

Daddy Bear:

-Someone’s been sleeping un my bed! N: Said Daddy Bear.

Mummy Bear:

-Someone’s been sleeping in my bed! N: Said Mummy Bear.

Baby Bear:

-Someone’s been sleeping in my bed! And she’s still here! N: Said Baby Bear.


Goldilocks woke up and three bears.


-Help! Help!


She ran downstairs and into the florest. She never came back again.

Personagens: narrador: Maria Clara, Goldilocks: Ellen,


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