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Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 - Love Or Money-

Artigos Científicos: Oxford Bookworms Stage 1 - Love Or Money-. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  9/4/2014  •  216 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  469 Visualizações

and very green eyes - the colour of sea water. They were

very beautiful eyes.

The man in the brown hat talked and talked. He had

a big red face and a loud voice. He talked to Bill because

Bill liked to talk too. The man in the brown hat laughed

a lot, and when he laughed, Bill laughed too. Bill liked

talking and laughing with people.

The two children were hot and bored. They didn't want

to sit down. They wanted to be noisy and run up and

down the train.

'Now sit down and be quiet,' their mother said. She was

a small woman with a tired face and a tired voice.

'I don't want to sit down,' the little boy said. 'I'm thirsty.'

'Here. Have an orange,' his mother said. She took an

orange out of her bag and gave it to him.

'I want an orange too,5 the little girl said loudly.

'All right. Here you are,' said her mother. 'Eat it nicely,


The children ate their oranges and were quiet for a


Then the little boy said, 'I want a drink. I'm thirsty.'

The tall dark man took out his newspaper and began

to read. Julie opened her eyes and looked at the back page

of his newspaper. She read about the weather in Budapest

and about the football in Liverpool. She wasn't interested

in Budapest and she didn't like football, but she didn't



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