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Portfólio Ingles 01 - Modulo 01 ENIAC

Casos: Portfólio Ingles 01 - Modulo 01 ENIAC. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  27/5/2014  •  9.036 Palavras (37 Páginas)  •  482 Visualizações

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1. Complete the conversation with: my, your, his or her:

Conversation 1: his, your, your

Conversation 2:

a) are

b) am, he’s

c) it’s

2. Circle the correct word in parentheses:

a) this, they’re

b) this is, it’s

c) this, a

3. Check the correct response:

a) Thanks, you too

b) Ok. Bye-bye

c) Not bad, thanks

d) Great. How about you, Mr. Smith?

4) Como você falaria em inglês se: a) Não escutasse o que a pessoa falou e quisesse pedir para ela repetir: Repeat, please.

b) Não soubesse o significado da palavra “keyring”:

What’s the meaning of keyring?

c) Quisesse saber como se diz “jardinagem” em inglês:

How do you say “jardinagem” in English?

d) Não soubesse escrever “pencil” e gostaria que a pessoa soletrasse a palavra:

How do you spell pencil?

e) Quisesse pedir permissão para entrar

May I come in?

5. Complete the conversations with the correct words:

a) good, how / fine, you

b) how, fine

c) it’s, you

d) I’m

e) i'm fine thanks

f) are, you / bad, about

6. Answer the questions below:

a) What’s your last name?

b) What’s your telephone number?

c) What’s your e-mail address?

d) Are you a good student?


e) How do you say “bom dia”, “boa tarde” in English?

Good Morning, Good Afternoon

f) Is “good evening” Hi or Bye?


1. Complete the conversation with: my, your, his or her:

Conversation 1: his, your, your

Conversation 2:

a) are

b) am, he’s

c) it’s

2. Circle the correct word in parentheses:

a) this, they’re

b) this is, it’s

c) this, a

3. Check the correct response:

a) Thanks, you too

b) Ok. Bye-bye

c) Not bad, thanks

d) Great. How about you, Mr. Smith?

4) Como você falaria em inglês se: a) Não escutasse o que a pessoa falou e quisesse pedir para ela repetir: Repeat, please.

b) Não soubesse o significado da palavra “keyring”:

What’s the meaning of keyring?

c) Quisesse saber como se diz “jardinagem” em inglês:

How do you say “jardinagem” in English?

d) Não soubesse escrever “pencil” e gostaria que a pessoa soletrasse a palavra:

How do you spell pencil?

e) Quisesse pedir permissão para entrar

May I come in?

5. Complete the conversations with the correct words:

a) good, how / fine, you

b) how, fine

c) it’s, you

d) I’m

e) i'm fine thanks

f) are, you / bad, about

6. Answer the questions below:

a) What’s your last name?

b) What’s your telephone number?

c) What’s your e-mail address?

d) Are you a good student?


e) How do you say “bom dia”, “boa tarde” in English?

Good Morning, Good Afternoon

f) Is “good evening” Hi or Bye?


1. Complete the conversation with: my, your, his or her:

Conversation 1: his, your, your

Conversation 2:

a) are

b) am, he’s

c) it’s

2. Circle the correct word in parentheses:

a) this, they’re

b) this is, it’s

c) this, a

3. Check the correct response:

a) Thanks, you too

b) Ok. Bye-bye

c) Not bad, thanks

d) Great. How about you, Mr. Smith?

4) Como você falaria em inglês se: a) Não escutasse o que a pessoa falou e quisesse pedir para ela repetir: Repeat, please.

b) Não soubesse o significado da palavra “keyring”:

What’s the meaning


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