Redação em inglês - Ocupação das escolas
Por: Paulo Henrique Thomazini • 15/5/2017 • Dissertação • 273 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 272 Visualizações
The power of occupation
From the month of October this year, the occupations of schools in Brazil (mainly in the state of Paraná) intensified in a way that reverberated throughout the country. The students are protesting against government's reforms in education, because these can end up scrapping the Brazilian education.
In the midst of so many discussions of people who are against or in favor of occupations, has facts which lead us to defend a position. We know that in order to have a quality education it is necessary investment, but one of the government's proposals is to freeze these investments for 20 years. Another proposal is the elimination of some subjects from the curriculum of public schools, and make the other subjects optional to students. With these changes the schools will be on the way to technical schools, forming only empty minded workers into the country.
In addition to the actions of the government, there are also the facts that happen in the occupied schools. At the end of October a student in a school in Curitiba was murdered by another student who was also at school. Even if individuals have the right to protest, they also have the right to study, and the demonstrations end up taking away this present right in the constitution, because it is not like a busy school to continue with classes normally.
In view of the arguments presented, I consider myself in favor of the occupations of schools, because if young people are fighting for their rights and want to be seen and heard, they need to get the government's attention in some way, so why not with the occupations?