Romanticism and the Beginning of the Novel
Resenha: Romanticism and the Beginning of the Novel. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: dorissism • 9/6/2013 • Resenha • 282 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 878 Visualizações
Literature (Chapter 4)
Romanticism and the Beginning of the Novel
- The constitution established the United States as a functioning democracy;
- Most citizens were farmers and owned their own land, in contrast to the system in old Europe where landless peasants labored on the states of nobles;
- The opportunity to become an independent landowner brought many immigrants to America from Europe;
- Growing population pushed farther and farther west = by the beginning of the 19th century, the great frontier movement of the United States had begun, increasing the wealth and size of the country;
- American culture flourished under the influence of Romanticism;
- the American mind felt great sympathy towards the Romanticism;
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1804 – 1864)
- Was born in New England, into an old and prominent family of the region;
- At the time of his birth, Puritanism no longer existed as a formal, organized religion. But its influence in moral and social practices remained very strong = interested him;
- Like his ancestors, he had the same sense of guilt, the same awareness of spiritual influences. However, he was not a man of rigorous faith. He was able to view critically and yet sensitively the whole Puritan phenomenon. This perception he very clearly and movingly expressed in his greatest novel: The Scarlet Letter.
Questions for Discussion
1 – Does the above scene show that Hester has been humiliated and weakened as a result of her period in prison and her punishment?
2 – Why has Hester made the scarlet letter in such an elaborate and fantastic manner?
3 – What strength and pride does Hester show?
4 – Does the author seem to be sympathetic to the character of Hester? What is his opinion of the Puritan moral code?
5 – Do you think Hester can prove a worthy mother?