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Trabalho Escolar: SIMPLE PAST. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  24/9/2014  •  375 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  821 Visualizações

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Simple Past :

1- Considerando os verbos seguintes :

Feel – think – get - do - begin

Podemos dizer que eles são ______________ e estão no _____________:

a) Regulares – infinitivo

b) Irregulares – infinitivo

c) Regulares – passado

d) Irregulares – passado

2- A respeito dos verbos abaixo:

Answer - Say – think – smile

As formas corretas no passado são respectivamente:

a) Answered – sayed – thinked – smiled

b) Answered – Said – thinked – smould

c) Answered – Said – thought – smiled

d) Answered – sayed – thought – smiled

3- Para formarmos uma pergunta no Simple Past devemos adicionar um ___________ chamado _____

a) Verbo – do

b) Verbo – did

c) Auxiliar – do

d) Auxiliar – did

4- A forma negativa no Simple Past utiliza o auxiliar ________ e o verbo principal _____________

a) Do- é modificado

b) Did – não é modificado

c) Did – é modificado

d) Do – não é modificado

5- Considerando as frases a seguir ;

- He didn´t find ....

- Did anything serious happen...?

- She asked.

As formas em que estão os verbos das frases sao respectivamente:

a) Afirmativa – interrogativa – negativa

b) Afirmativa – negativa – interrogativa

c) Negativa – interrogativa – afirmativa

d) Nenhuma das alternativas

6- Complete these sentences in the PAST TENSE, using the correct verb:

* play * enjoy * watch * listen * talk * phone * stop * walk * travel * like * stay

I watched the late film on TV last night.

1. We really ………………….. the concert last night. It was great!

2. She ………………… with friends in Brighton last summer.

3. Italy ………………… very well in the last World Cup.

4. Her parents ………………….. by train from Shanghai to Moscow.

5. I


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