Por: Priscila Ferreira • 29/11/2018 • Resenha • 666 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 134 Visualizações
STUDENT’S NAME: Priscila Ferreira da Costa
Love is a wonderful feeling that transforms the world. There is no single definition for love. The Holy Bible beautifully defines the true meaning of love. Love is never tired of waiting; love is kind; love has no envy; love has no high opinion of itself; love has no pride. It takes no pleasure in wrongdoing, but has joy in what is true. Love has the power of undergoing all things, having faith in all things, hoping all things. There is no more complete definition than this.
Cause and effect
There are many reasons why a love affair may end. And the consequences can be dire for the person who felt rejected. The person who was abandoned can go into a depression leaving be surrounded by a deep sadness, so you can take your own life. But also the person who ended up with the love affair can change your life for the better. This person may change jobs, change the look, take a trip, meet other people. When a relationship is over the people involved in this relationship may take different attitudes both positive and negative.
There are different types of love, like the love between family members. Another kind of love is that between Jesus and humanity. The love that Jesus felt by humans was so great that he gave his own life to die for all of us, so we could achieve salvation. this is a true example of love that existed and still exists for all eternity. Only Jesus is able to love and forgive the sinner.
Comparison and contrast
Romantic love is the most complicated kind of love. If we compare the romantic love and the love of family will find many differences. Love and exists in the family is strong enough to overcome the discourses, the fights, anger, conflict and all the problems that are part of families. But romantic love is fragile is easier to stop. Sometimes it is false, envious, liar. The love that exists in the family is eternal goes beyond this life
My first love was a school boy and I met him when I was 8 years old. We were very close and soon a strange sensation came over my body, my legs were shaking and I felt butterflies in my stomach. At that time, he was going to give me a kiss, my mother arrived at that moment. I dreamed all night with that moment. It was so beautiful and scary. All at the same time. That dream took place only years later. Exactly at 13 years old when that feeling did not fit inside me but I took courage and finally the most anticipated kiss of my life happened and the dream became reality.
I can describe the love relationship I have with my mother, with details. We always went out together and count the secrets to each other. My mother always gives me a lot of advice and I always hear everyone. My mother and I always like to prepare lunches in family she is happy to see the whole family gathered around the table, celebrating and thanking God for all the blessings. My mother and I are friends and we always support in difficult times.
Love is a difficult feeling to be ranked. However, I will try to sort into different categories, such as: family love - you love him with all the qualities and defects; love between friends - people you know throughout their life and become part of its history. Although many get lost on the way of life others are strengthened in difficulties and joys; love between husband and wife - friends that go beyond friendship and unite building a couple and together generate a new continuing our species; the most precious and beautiful form of love is the love between man and God. This is the love that is above all.