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The Blacklist

Trabalho Escolar: The Blacklist. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  4/11/2014  •  224 Palavras (1 Páginas)  •  329 Visualizações


The Blacklist, NBC’s series about a brilliant criminal mastermind who for mysterious reasons begins to help the FBI apprehend serious evildoers, is one of the big hits of television. Starring James Spader in de facto scene-stealing mode, the show, which airs Monday nights, has more than 10 million viewers a week in the all-important demo. Its premise is simple, but savvy to the point of elegance: As Grantland’s Andy Greenwald succinctly put it, “it's a cop procedural with a criminal as the lead investigator,” the powerhouse marriage of a reliable genre and the trendiest of archetypes, the antihero.

Adaptado de:

A. Qual das alternativas completa a frase corretamente?

“The Blacklist, NBC’s series about a brilliant criminal mastermind who...”

a. the powerhouse marriage of a reliable genre and the trendiest of archetypes

b. has more than 10 million viewers a week in the all-important demo

c. it's a cop procedural with a criminal as the lead investigator

d. for mysterious reasons begins to help the FBI apprehend serious evildoers

B. Deduza o significado em português das seguintes palavras:

a. brilliant

b. mysterious

c. serious

d. television

e. premise

f. succinctly

g. elegance

h. criminal

C. Responda ao que se pede em relação ao texto:

a. Sobre o que se trata a série The Blacklist?

b. Quem estrela a série?

c. Em que dia da semana ela é exibida?

d. A que gênero a série pertence?

e. Que arquétipo é retratado em The Blacklist?



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