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Artigos Científicos: Trabalho. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  14/4/2014  •  254 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  629 Visualizações

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Crash was the Oscar winning film of 2005. The drama deals mainly with an uncomfortable subject: racism. The plot shows many racial stereotyping situations (including intolerance), with their consequences on the people involved. We see all sides of racist situations, and how illogical most reactions tend to be. One of the most potent storylines includes Matt Dillon`s character, Officer Jonh Ryan. First of all, he stops a black couple in a car. Then he blames them for many crimes which they did not commit and when the woman verbally confronts him, the officer orders a complete body search for guns. He makes the black couple feel inferior to him. Later on in the film, we see that this experience results in a lot of tension between the couple. The woman accuses her husband of failing to defend her for fear of authority. The man defends himself saying that by not reacting to an act of racism, he was protecting both of them. This is a powerful scene and connects the viewer with emotive and controversial themes. All the other subplots in the film link together as the viewer gradually understands each character. The linking point is a car crash (whitch names the film), but it is not the most important scene in it. It is simply the moment for the viewer to seehow similar all these strong characters are. Because of this very complex view on racism, the film is very positive and deserves all the Oscar awards that it received in 2005.


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