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Respostas a perguntas sobre a língua inglesa

Seminário: Respostas a perguntas sobre a língua inglesa. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  4/11/2013  •  Seminário  •  839 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  360 Visualizações

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1. sorry for the things that I did not say like how you are the best thing in my world and how I'm so proud to call you my girl (sorry, blame it on me)

2. I understand that there are some problems and I am not too blind to know all the pain you kept inside you even though you might not show (sorry, blame it on me)

3. so hold me close and say three words like you used to do dancing on the kitchen tiles cause you make my life worthwhile (all about you)

4. and I'm sorry if I pushed you away cause I need you here and I want for you to know I don't care if I don't get anything all I need is you here right now (all I want is you)

5. didn't make sense not to live for fun your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb (all star)

6. hiding won't hide it smiling won't hide it like I ain't tried it everyone's tried it now and failed somehow (all time low)

7. words will be just word till you bring them to life (another world)

8. I thought that i had everything I didn't know what life could bring but know I see, honestly you're the one thing I got right the only one I let inside (I will be)

9. and I'm in pieces, baby fix me and just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream (baby)

10. what did I do to deserve this? tell me the truth and don't lie, you're pretty good at that, but no not this time (back around)

11. you know you're just gonna lose everything and everyone that means so much to you (back around)

12. maybe this is wishful thinking probably mindless dreaming, if we loved again, I swear I'd love you right (back to december)

13. they tell me your blue skies fade to grey, they tell me your passion's gone away (bad day)

14. you gave my life to me set me free, the finest years I ever knew, were all the years I had with you (everything I own)

15. a dream world is always perfect but that's not my real life wish you did but you don't know the me I am inside (barefoot cinderella)

16. across the ocean across the sea starting to forget the way you look at me, over the mountains, across the sky need to see your face I need to look in your eyes (be alright)

17. I count the ways I let you down on my fingers and toes but I'm running out clever words can't help me now (beautiful goodbye)

18. want to but I can't help it, I love the way it feels, just got me stuck between my fantasy and what is real (because of you)

19. It didn't matter how many times I got knocked on the floor but you knew one day I would be standing tall, just look at us now (believe)

20. I don't want to be afraid I wanna wake up feeling beautiful today and know that I'm ok, cause everyone's perfect in unusual ways (believe in me)

21. I'm as happy as I can be cause I'm allergic to tragedy the doctor says something's wrong with me, the smile on my face has no remedy


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