Artigo: BULLYING. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicosPor: ThayzaSantana • 2/10/2013 • Artigo • 760 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 286 Visualizações
What is bullying?
Physical or verbal aggressive acts are only avoided by the union of school principals, teachers, students and familiesBullying is a situation which is characterized by verbal or physical aggressive acts in a repetitive manner by one or more students against one or more colleagues. The English term refers to the verb "to threaten, intimidate." The digital version of this type of behavior is called cyber bullying, when threats are propagated by the virtual environment.
Bullying is included in the derogatory nicknames designed to humiliate their friends. And the whole school environment may present this problem. "The school says it has no bullying or do not know what is or is denying their existence," says pediatrician Lauro Monteiro Filho, founder of the Brazilian Multi Protection of Childhood and Adolescence (ABRAPIA), which studies the problem for nine years.
According to the medical school's role begins to admit that a place is subject to bullying, teachers and inform students about what is and make it clear that the establishment does not permit the practice - prevention is the best medicine. The role of teachers is also critical. They can identify the actors of bullying - aggressors and victims.
"The aggressor is not only well in school. Usually he has a family relationship where everything is resolved through verbal or physical violence and that it play in the school environment," explained the expert. Since the victim is usually a child with low self-esteem and withdrawn at school and at home. "Given these characteristics, it is difficult to get this young man react," says Lauro. This is where the issue of repetition in bullying, because if the student responds, the trend is that bullying stops.
Of course you can not banish the banter between colleagues in the school environment. What the school needs is to distinguish the threshold between an acceptable joke and an insult. "This is not as difficult as it seems. Just what the teacher stands in place of the victim. The nickname is funny? But how would I feel if it was called that?" Guides the doctor. Realizing the bullying, the teacher should correct the student. And in cases of physical violence, the school must take the requisite action, often involving parents.
The pediatrician notes that only the school can not solve the problem, but is usually within this environment that shows the first signs of an abuser. "The trend is that it be so for life unless treated," he says. One of the key pieces is that this young man has the following examples of people who do not resolve the situation with violence - and who better than the teacher for this? However, the master can not take any responsibility for themselves. "Bullying can only be solved by involving the whole school - leadership, teachers and students - and the family," says the pediatrician.
Teachers also engage their students against bullying?
Not only teachers but other professionals working in school. Some scholars have dedicated themselves to researching bullying in teacher-student relationship, among them the Norwegian Dan