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Etapas reprodutivas do desenvolvimento da soja

Resenha: Etapas reprodutivas do desenvolvimento da soja. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  22/2/2015  •  Resenha  •  601 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  283 Visualizações

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Reproductive Soybean Development Stages and Soybean Aphid Thresholds

R2 Stage soybean plant (full bloom)

Open flower at one of the two uppermost nodes on the main stem with a

fully developed leaf.

Stage length 5 to 15 days: average 10

Action Threshold - 250 aphids/plant when population actively increasing.

This guideline incorporates an approximate 7-day lead time between

scouting and treatment to make spray arrangements.

R3 Stage soybean plant (beginning pod)

Pod is 3/16 inch long at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem

with a fully developed leaf.

Stage length 5 to 15 days: average 9

Action Threshold - 250 aphids/plant when population actively increasing.

In replicated trials conducted throughout the Midwest in 2003, the 250

aphids/plant action level worked best from late vegetative through R3 stages.

R4 Stage soybean plant (full pod)

Pod is ¾ inch long at one of the four uppermost nodes on the main stem with

a fully developed leaf.

The most critical time for soybean yield: Stress at this time can not be

recovered and results in more yield loss than at any other time.

Stage length 4 to 26 days: average 9

Thresholds not currently determined, but populations exceeding 250/plant

and actively increasing need monitoring and treatment at grower discretion.*

Photo © Iowa State University

soybean aphid

Aphid thresholds depend on actively increasing populations. Examine 20-30

plants once or twice weekly to determine population dynamics.

Action Threshold - 250 aphids/plant when population actively increasing.

R1 Stage soybean plant (beginning bloom)

One open flower at any node on the main stem.

A node is the part of the stem where a leaf is (or has

been) attached.

Stage length 0 to 7 days: average 3

David W. Fischer - Dane County UWEX Crops and Soils Agent

James Fanta - Dodge County UWEX Crops and Soils Agent


University of Wisconsin - Extension

*Thresholds for R4-R5 beans continue to evolve. Spraying at R4-R5 has been documented to protect yield. Growers and consultants are strongly advised to keep current with UWEX treatment recommendation updates.

Acknowledgements: Eileen Cullen and Bryan Jensen - UW Department of Entomology, Roger Borges - UW Department of Agronomy. Soybean aphid photograph by John Wedberg, remaining photographs not attributed to Iowa State University taken


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