O Inventário do Sistema Solar
Por: HormaR • 23/9/2021 • Bibliografia • 393 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 333 Visualizações
Planetary scientists often refer to the inner worlds of
the solar system as the “terrestrial” planets, from the word
terra, which is Latin for “earth.” It indicates worlds that
have a similar rocky composition to Earth. Earth, Venus,
and Mars have substantial atmospheres, while Mercury
appears to have a very thin one. The big outer worlds are
called the “gas giants.” These planets consist mostly of very
small rocky cores buried deep within massive spheres
made of liquid metallic hydrogen, and some helium,
covered by cloudy atmospheres. The two outermost planets
—Uranus and Neptune—are sometimes described as “ice
giants” because they also contain significant amounts of
supercold forms of oxygen, carbon, nitrogen, sulfur, and
possibly even some water.
The Oort Cloud
The entire solar system is surrounded by a shell of
frozen bits of ice and rock called the Oort Cloud. It
stretches out to about a quarter of the way to the nearest
star. Both the Kuiper Belt and the Oort Cloud are the origin
of most of the comets we see.
Moons and Rings
Nearly all the major planets, some of the dwarf planets, and some asteroids
have natural satellites called moons. The one we’re most familiar with is Earth’s
Moon. The lunar (from the name Luna) surface is the only other world on which
humans have set foot. Mars has two moons, called Phobos and Deimos, and
Mercury and Venus have none.
The gas giants swarm with moons. Jupiter’s four largest are Io, Europa,
Ganymede, and Callisto, and they’re often referred to as the Galileans, honoring
their discoverer, astronomer Galileo Galilei. Over the past few decades, at least
sixty more have been discovered orbiting Jupiter. Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune
also sport dozens of smaller icy worlds. Out in the Kuiper Belt, dwarf planet Pluto
has at least five satellites, while Eris has at least one.
Each gas giant planet has a set of rings. Saturn’s is the most extensive and
beautiful. It’s possible Earth had a ring in its early history, and planetary
scientists now look at rings as somewhat ephemeral (short-lived) objects.
Orbiting the Sun
All the planets of the solar system travel around the