Conclusões Relatório Eletrotécnica
Por: The 3 A.M. Freakout . • 27/10/2019 • Relatório de pesquisa • 1.511 Palavras (7 Páginas) • 177 Visualizações
Welcome to Porto! In this Peddy-Paper you will visit some of Porto’s main attractions. Make the best of your time during this activity, make some friends and get to know each other!
Now, the challenges…
Challenges for the entire Peddy-Paper:
- Make every single challenge you face unique and original!!
- Name three famous Porto graffiti artists and their main characteristic;
- Film a video of yourselves doing a Harry Potter spell (maximum 20 seconds);
- Take photos with:
- A man with a mustache;
- A person eating “francesinha”.
- A person with a Football Club of Porto jersey;
Let the Peddy-Paper begin!
Challenge nº 1:
You are standing in Avenida dos Aliados, the Aliados Avenue. “Aliados”, as Porto inhabitants call in short and proudly to this large avenue, is Porto’s reception room.
In this Avenue you will have to find what is considered the world’s most beautiful fast-food restaurant. Go there and take a photo. When you’re done just follow the marked path on your map.
Challenge nº 2:
You’re in front of Estação de São Bento, the São Bento Train Station. One of the world's most beautiful train stations, beaux arts São Bento wings you back to a more graceful age of rail travel.
Go inside the station and count how many tiles, or “azulejos”, there are. Have patience…
After you count every single one of the tiles keep following the marked path.
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Challenge nº 3: (Igreja da Misericórdia)
Rua das Flores, the Flower’s street, is the place to be and it doesn’t matter if it’s morning, afternoon or night.
Recently most of the buildings were renovated, keeping the typical Porto’s facade, but the new colors and tiles have given the street a second life. It’s absolutely beautiful, and you should pay attention to the small details like the electricity boxes all decorated in different styles, from drawings to sentences in the characteristic Porto dialect.
Take inspiration from the electricity boxes you saw and create your own design on the paper sheet we gave you.
Challenge nº 4:
Mercado Ferreira Borges, the Ferreira Borges Market, was in fact used as a market, but it also served as a setting for other economic functions. The building was restored and adapted to serve as a space for cultural activities and has hosted since 2010 the Hard Club, which is one of the performance venues of the city, as well as the café and restaurant “O Mercado” and a brewery.
Where was the Ferreira Borges Market originally built?
Challenge nº 5:
Estátua Infante D.Henrique, the statue Prince Henrique the Navigator, represents the triumph of the Portuguese navigations.
Take a boomerang with the same symbolism.
List three countries conquered by Portugal
Challenge nº 6:
From Ribeira it´s visible the Luís I Bridge inaugurated in 1886, with 395 meters long and 8 wide earning the title of the longest iron bridge in the world in that year.
Take a photo imitating King Luis I at the inauguration of the bridge.
Where was Peter’s coffee house first location?
Look across the river and list the name of three porto wine cellars.
Challenge nº 7:
In 1731 the brotherhood of the Clérigos decided to build Torre dos Clérigos, the Clérigos Tower, as a religious worship but it’s actual construction would only begin in 1754. With more than two centuries of existence Clerigos Tower is definitely one of themes paradigmatic architectural landmarks of Porto.
Find out who is the pianist on the third Sunday of which month.
What is the diameter of the bell in hair threads?
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Challenge nº 8:
The official name of the venue is the Joao Chagas Garden, but locals commonly refer to it as the Cordoaria, the Cordoaria Garden. The garden kept an elegant and romantic air until 1941, when a cyclone ravaged it, severely damaging its plant life patrimony. In 2001, the garden was redesigned.
Make a choreography for a “pimba” song and record it.
Challenge nº 9:
Lello & Irmão Bookstore is considered the third most beautiful library in the world. Rumor has it that J.K. Rowling’s inspiration has begun in Porto, particularly at this library. The well-known writer lived in Porto for 10 years and there are great similarities between Lello’s bookstore staircase and the one described in Hogwarts.
What book was inspired by Lello bookstore?