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Concrete and bridges

Por:   •  6/2/2016  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  682 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  288 Visualizações

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December 7, 2015

Dr. David E. Gunderson

Construction Solutions

P.O. Box 642220

Pullman, WA 99164-2220

RE: Office and manufacturing building

Dear. Dr. Gunderson,

As explained earlier, our company operates in the civil construction market for over 25 years and I am pleased to say that we are a complete company. All the most complicated stages of the construction will be carried out by our staff, only store gates will be built by Subcontractors. Considering the entire length of service provided by our company, we have greater control over all deadlines, budgets and project details. Therefore we can ensure the delivery of an excellent finishing according to the planned schedule.

According to our analysis, we believe that the best agreement to be applied between our company and you are the unit price. This is because the design is quite extensive, but the amount of different structures to be built is not complex. The delivery method best suited for a project of this size would be Design-Bid-Build. Even suggesting these specifications, our company is willing to negotiate with you.

Another important aspect of our company is the training of our professionals. All employees of the Palomino Construction are in constant process of updating and training, therefore we work with all that is most modern and secure in the civil construction market. So you can completely trust regarding the quality and deadline of our services.

 Temporary facilities are built aiming at the highest possible utilization of all materials used. We are also always looking for ways to care about the environment, so we work in partnership with companies that promote the use of biodegradable materials with the same strength and an attractive price.

To conclude, I would like to thank you for the opportunity to participate in this audition and express our respect and admiration for the work done for you. We hope to hear good news soon and we are available to clarify any question


Palomi Construction


Patricia Sanches

Project Manager

Como explicado anteriormente, nossa empresa atua no Mercado da construção civil a mais de 25 anos e tenho o prazer em falar que somos uma empresa completa. Todas as etapas mais complicadas da construção serão realizadas pelo nosso pessoal, somente as guarde gates serão construídas por subcontractors. Tendo em vista toda a extensão do serviço prestado pela nossa empresa, temos maior controle sobre todos prazos, orçamentos e detalhes do projeto. Sendo assim, podemos garantir a entrega de um excelente acabamento de acordo com o cronograma planejado.

De acordo com nossas análises, acreditamos que o melhor contrato a ser aplicado entre nossa empresa e o senhor é o unit price. Isso porque o projeto é bastante extenso, mas a quantidade de estruturas diferentes a ser construída não é complexa. O método de entrega mais adequado para um projeto desse porte seria Design-Bid-Build. Mesmo sugerindo essas especificações, nossa empresa está disposta a negociar com o senhor.

Outro ponto importante da nossa empresa é o treinamento de nossos profissionais. Todos os empregados da Palomino estão em processo constante de atualização, ou seja, trabalhamos com tudo o que há de mais moderno e seguro no mercado da construção civil. Sendo assim, o senhor pode ficar tranquilo em relação à qualidade de nossos serviços.


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