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PG SAP Coding Standards And Recommendations V2.1

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Procter & Gamble SAP ABAP Coding Standards and Recommendations

Client Name: P&G

Version 2.1

Prepared by: Eman Antonio

Project Document Id:

Document Information

Standards Name: Procter & Gamble SAP ABAP Coding Standards and Recommendations

Status of the Standards: Document Version: 2.0

Prepared by: Eman Antonio Document Version Date: Jun. 20, 2007

Reviewed by: Chris Scribbins (P&G iCT)

Thomas Seibert (P&G)

Dan O’Brien (HP)

Dimple Bheda (P&G)

Distribution List

From Date Phone/Fax

Eman Antonio ( Jan. 01, 2007 +63 2 667 4048

To Action* Due Date Role

Chris Scribbins Review and Approve Jan 15, 2007 P&G iCT Head

Thomas Seibert Review and Approve Jan 15, 2007 P&G SPOC

Dan O’Brien Review Jan 15, 2007 HP SPOC

Dimple Bheda Review Jan 15, 2007 ATOS SPOC

Sadasivam Pillai Review Jan 15, 2007 HP Standards Committee

Lorrie Lapitan Review Jan 15, 2007 Coding Standards Project Team

* Action Types: Approve, Review, Inform, File, Action Required, Attend Meeting, Other (please specify)

Version History

Ver. No. Ver. Date Revised By Description

1.00 Jan. 01, 2007 Eman Antonio Initial Release

2.00 Jun. 20, 2007 Eman Antonio Unprotected attachments in Section 6 (References)

2.10 Nov. 01, 2007 Lorraine Lapitan Revision due to regular review and feedback

Table of Contents

1. Summary 5

2. Introduction 5

2.1. Purpose 5

2.2. Scope 5

2.3. Document Structure 5

3. ABAP Coding Standards 6

3.1. Program Overview 6

3.2. Data Types, Data Objects and Data References 10

3.3. Selection Screen Objects 13

3.4. Database Processes 14

3.5. ABAP Processing Statements 15

3.6. Program Texts 18

3.7. Event Blocks 18

3.8. Program Processing 19

3.9. Modularization 21

3.10. Working with External Non-Database Data 25

3.11. ABAP Program Templates 25

4. ABAP Coding Recommendations 33

4.1. ABAP Processing Statements 33

4.2. Other Program Checks 33

4.3. Internal Table Optimization Techniques Summary. 33

4.4. Internal Table Optimization 34

4.5. Definition of Terms 34

4.6. Internal Table Tuning 36

4.7. Optimize Data Base Queries Summary. 40

4.8. Optimize Data Base queries. 40

4.9. What are the different database components, involved in data access? 41

4.10. SAP/ORACLE Optimizer. 43

4.11. Buffering - optimizing at database table definition time. 43

4.12. Indexes. 44

4.13. SAP transactions for query evaluation. 44

4.14. Basic Rules. 45

4.15. Poor performing programs – what needs to be done? 48

4.16. How does an explain looks like? 48

4.17. Definition of Terms - Cluster – Hash on ORACLE. 49

4.18. Different access methods on ORACLE. 50

4.19. Different access paths on ORACLE 51

4.20. JOIN arguments used by ORACLE. 59

5. Definitions/Terms/Acronyms 61

6. References 61

7. Constraints/Waiver 61

8. Revision Plan 62

9. Addenda 62

1. Summary

The P&G SAP ABAP Coding Standards & Recommendations Document is the central document describing how ABAP Programs should be implemented in a P&G SAP System. Its primary objective is to ensure that ABAP programs are written in a similar manner without restricting the programmer’s ability to implement his algorithms. It also aims to ensure that ABAP Programs are readable to non-ABAP programmers such as Program Designers and Service Management resources to ensure ease of design upgrades and support.

2. Introduction

2.1. Purpose

This document is to define the ABAP Coding Standards and Recommendations for the Procter & Gamble SAP Systems. The standards and recommendations contained in this document are applicable to the 4.5b and mySAP systems.

2.2. Scope


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