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GPS Accuracy Excavation

Artigo: GPS Accuracy Excavation. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  19/9/2014  •  348 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  239 Visualizações

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Increase productivity, accuracy and profits with Topcon’s easy-to-use GNSS based 3D Excavator indicate system.

The X-63i system takes previous laser based grade indicate to a whole new level. Go beyond simply “seeing” existing grade, desired grade and bucket position. X-63i allows the operator to view the machine in relation to your site and/or entire project and allows fast and accurate positioning of the machine directly over utility centerlines.

X-63i combines Topcon’s advanced GNSS global positioning technology, machine sensors and advanced GX-60 color touch screen display to eliminate over excavation and control material usage saving time and money. Simply, X-63i gets you to grade faster, and keeps you there, even in deep, blind cut situations or when digging under water.

Features & Benefits :

Cut Grade Fast and Accurate the First Time

Cut to Flat, Vertical and 3D Surfaces

Bright, Easy-to-Use GX-60 Color Touch Screen

Fully Upgradeable to Topcon’s automatic Excavator systems

Improves Job Safety

Brings efficiency and productivity to any job


Simple yet powerful, Topcon’s 3D Excavator indicate system provides in-the-cab machine and cutting edge location in an affordable package.

Topcon’s X-33 system consists of two GNSS antennas, four TS-i3 tilt sensors, the MC-i3 GNSS receiver and Topcon’s GX-30 color, touch screen control box. The GX-30 allows the operator to “see” the exact position of the machine on site and the bucket position at all times. When detailed information is required you can select to visualize plan, profile or sectional view and use the dual grade indicators for elevation control.

Features & Benefits:

Intuitive User Interface

Utilizes new TS-i3 Sensors

MC-i3 Technology

Simple installation

Network or Local Base Options

Swappable components

Create and cut designs… without leaving the jobsite

Finally, an indicate system that allows multiple elevations, slopes and complex designs to be cut continuously – without resetting the machine, laser or wait for a surveyor putting elevation stakes on site. With Topcon’s X-33 system the operator can create multiple elevation/slope designs right in the cab or use 3D models created for your job site. No hassles or waiting time anymore, just start cutting or digging to the correct elevation! In this way you can eliminate re-work, cut to grade fast, accurate, the first time.


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