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Lista De Comandos Vb

Casos: Lista De Comandos Vb. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  9/5/2013  •  8.562 Palavras (35 Páginas)  •  932 Visualizações

Página 1 de 35

Complete List Of Visual Basic Commands

Table of Contents

Strings (P3)

Left and Right functions (P3) Base 0 & 1 (P3) Trim, LTrim, and RTrim functions (P3)

LCase and UCase functions (P4) Formatting (P4) FormatCurrency, Percent & Number (P5)

FormatDateTime (P6) Mid function (P7) Chr Function (P7)

Len Function (P7) InStr (P8) String function (P9)

InstrRev (P9) Asc Function (P9) Space Function (P9)

Replace Function (P10) StrComp (P10) StrConv function (P10)

Math (P12)

Val Function (P12) Round (P12) Int and Fix functions (P12)

Rnd & Randomize (P12) Sgn (P13) Sin, Cos, Tan, Log, Atn & Exp Functions (P13)

Abs function (P13) Other Math Functions (P14)

Logic (P15)

Mod Operator (P15) And (P15) Or Operator (P16)

Xor Operator (P17) If Not (P17) Like Operator (P17)

Is Operator (P18)

Arrays (P19)

Erase Statement (P19) Dim (P19) ReDim (P19)

Array Function (P20)

Files/Folders (P21)

Dir (P21) ChDir (P22) ChDrive (P22)

CurDir (22) MkDir (P22) RmDir Function (P23)

Kill Function (P23) FileDateTime (P23)

FileLen (P23) FileCopy (P24) Cut, Copy & Pasting Text (P24)

GetAttr (P24) SetAttr (P25) FreeFile function (P25)

Open Function (P26) Close Statement (P27)

Line Input (P27) EOF Function (P27)

Lof Function (P28) Print Function (P28)

Error Handling (P29)

On Error Statement (P29) Resume, Resume Next, Resume Line (P29)

Error Function (P30)

Declarations (P31)

Function Procedures (P31) Const (P32) Call Statement (P33)

CallByName (P33) Option Explicit (P34)

Option Private (P34) Option Compare (P34)

Type…End Type (P35) GetObject (P35) CreateObject (P36)

Let Statement (P36) TypeName (P37) VarType (P38)

DefType (P39)

Date/Time (P41)

Date (P41) Time (P41) Now (P41)

Timer (P41) DateAdd (P42) DateDiff (P42)

DateSerial (P44) DateValue (P44) Year (P45)

Month (P45) MonthName (P45) WeekDayName (P45)

Day (P46) Hour (P46) Minute (P47)

TimeSerial (P47) TimeValue (P48) WeekDay (P48)


Miscellaneous (P50)

MsgBox (P50) Shell (P51) RGB (P52)

QBColor (P53) Beep (P53) InputBox (P53)

Load (P54) UnLoad (P54) SendKeys (P55)

LoadPicture (P57) AppActivate (P57)

Values (P58)

IsNull (P58) IsEmpty (P58) IsNumeric (P58)

Loops and Conditional (P59)

If...Then...Else (P59) End Statements (P59)

Stop Statement (P60) Switch (P61) GoTo Statement (P61)

On...GoSub, On...GoTo Statements (P62) GoSub...Return Statement (P62)

With Statement (P63) For...Next Statement (P63)

While...Wend Statement (P64) Do...Loop Statement (P65)

IIf Statement (P65) For Each...Next Statement (P66)

Select Case Statement (P67)


Left and Right functions

Returns a Variant (String) containing a specified number of characters from the right side of a string.


Left(string, length)

Right(string, length)


Dim AnyString, MyStr

AnyString = "Hello World" ' Define string.

MyStr = Right(AnyString, 1) ' Returns "d".

MyStr = Right(AnyString, 6) ' Returns " World".

MyStr = Right(AnyString, 20) ' Returns "Hello World".

Part Description

string Required. String expression from which the rightmost characters are returned. If string contains

Null, Null is returned.

length Required; Variant (Long). Numeric expression indicating how many characters to return. If 0, a

zero-length string ("") is returned. If greater than or equal to the number of characters in string,

the entire string is returned.

Base 0 & 1

Option Base {0 | 1}

Because the default base is 0, the Option Base statement is never required. If used, the statement must appear in

a module before any procedures. Option Base can appear only once in a module and must precede array

declarations that include dimensions.

The Option Base statement only affects the lower bound of arrays in the module where the statement is located.




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