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O papel do LDAP na rede

Projeto de pesquisa: O papel do LDAP na rede. Pesquise 862.000+ trabalhos acadêmicos

Por:   •  17/5/2014  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  3.139 Palavras (13 Páginas)  •  315 Visualizações

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LDAP is a service that has been traditionally captivating system administrators' and advanced users' interest, but its (seemingly or not) high entry barrier and infrastructure requirements have been preventing many from using it.

LDAP has already been the topic of numerous publications. Here, we will present only the necessary summary; enough information to establish the context and to achieve practical results.

You do not need to follow any external links; however, the links have been provided both throughout the article and listed all together at the end, to serve as pointers to more precise technical treatment of individual topics.

The role of LDAP within a network

OpenLDAP is an open source implementation of the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol. Directory itself is a tree-structured, read-optimized database. Yellow pages or a phonebook are good associations to have in mind, even though LDAP is much more powerful.

We will use OpenLDAP to provide a central authentication location for user logins anywhere on the network, with their home directories being automatically created on their first access to individual machines.

This guide can be followed standalone to make OpenLDAP both perform authentication and serve user meta data. However, using LDAP for authentication as shown here is not secure due to plain text connections made to the LDAP server and passwords travelling over the wire. It is therefore advised to use LDAP in combination with a superior and secure network authentication mechanism Kerberos, as explained in another article from the series, the MIT Kerberos 5 Guide. That said, let's move onto our LDAP setup.

From a technical perspective, LDAP directory consists of a set of hierarchically organized entries. Each entry belongs to certain Object Classes and contains various key=value pairs called attributes.

Each entry is uniquely identified by a Distinguished name ("DN"). DN is formed as a list of components, separated by commas, that provide "full path" to the entry, starting from the top of the tree. For example, company Example, Inc. would have the root of the tree in dc=example,dc=com. A person employed by Example, Inc. would then have a corresponding LDAP entry with DN cn=person,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com. Which attributes may or may not be present under an entry is then governed by the entry's objectClasses.

You might notice the individual components themselves, such as cn=person above, are also formed as key=value pairs. Those "keys", cn, ou and dc, stand for Common Name, Organizational Unit and Domain Component. They are a part of every-day LDAP terminology that you will get used to.

ObjectClasses, attributes, syntaxes, matching rules and other details of the tree structure are loaded at LDAP server startup by reading the configured schema files.

Let's quickly identify LDAP-specific elements in the metadata retrieval process:

LDAP is not in any way related to traditional system usernames or other data. However, part of its functionality in our setup will consist in storing information traditionally found in Unix files /etc/passwd and /etc/group, thus making that data network-accessible at a centralized location.

People's login names will be used in pairing people with the corresponding information in the LDAP tree. For example, username person will map to an LDAP entry uid=person,ou=People,dc=example,dc=com.

LDAP can be configured to contain user passwords. Passwords can be used both for authenticating as specific users and gaining access to protected entries, and for verifying whether the user knows the correct password.

When a user opens a LDAP client and intends to browse the directory, his password is used to establish his identity and the set of privileges. When LDAP is configured to perform user authentication, his password is only used to perform a connection to the LDAP directory — successful connection ("bind") implies the user knew the correct password.

You can find the complete LDAP documentation at the OpenLDAP website. For an authoritative OpenLDAP book, see Gerald Carter's LDAP System Administration by O'Reilly.

Glue layers: integrating LDAP with system software


On all GNU/Linux-based platforms, NSS is available for network data retrieval configuration. NSS is an implementation of the Name Service Switch mechanism.

NSS will allow for inclusion of LDAP into the "user data" path of all services, regardless of whether they natively support LDAP or not.

You can find the proper introduction (and complete documentation) on the NSS website. Also take a look at the nsswitch.conf(5) manual page.


Likewise, on all GNU/Linux-based platforms, another piece of the puzzle, Linux-PAM, is available for service-specific authentication configuration. Linux-PAM is an implementation of PAM ("Pluggable Authentication Modules") from Sun Microsystems.

Network services, instead of having hard-coded authentication interfaces and decision methods, invoke PAM through a standard, pre-defined interface. It is then up to PAM to perform any and all authentication-related work, and report the result back to the application.

Exactly how PAM reaches the decision is none of the service's business. In traditional set-ups, that is most often done by asking and verifying usernames and passwords. In advanced networks, that could be retina scans or — Kerberos tickets, as explained in another article from the series, MIT Kerberos 5 Guide.

You can find the proper introduction (and complete documentation) on the Linux-PAM website. Pay special attention to the PAM Configuration File Syntax page. Also take a look at the Linux-PAM(7) and pam(7) manual pages.


It's quite disappointing when you are not able to follow the instructions found in the documentation. Let's agree on a few points before going down to work:

Our platform of choice, where we will demonstrate a practical setup, will be Debian GNU.

Install sudo. Sudo is a program that will allow you to carry out system administrator tasks from your normal user account. All the examples in this article requiring root privileges use sudo, so you will be able to copy-paste them to your shell.

su -c 'apt-get install sudo'

If asked for a password,


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