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Por:   •  25/11/2016  •  Projeto de pesquisa  •  7.139 Palavras (29 Páginas)  •  388 Visualizações

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Enclosure II

Minimum Work Safety and Environmental Standards to be followed by the

       Companies Contracted and/or Suppliers of Services while working for Rigesa

Sheet No. 1/6

The Company Contracted/Supplier of Services identified on the last page, is notified that this Document is an integral part of the Civil Contract and/or Purchase or Services Order executed by the parties and assumes the responsibilities mentioned below, to perform the services contracted.

01.*        -        Require its employees to use and check the constant use of the EPIs determined by the Rigesa Safety Sector, due to the complexity of the work to be performed:

                a)        safety glasses;

                b)        safety helmet;

                c)        safety boots (without steel toe protection, for electricians and electronic technicians);

                d)        safety boots (with steel toe protection for the other trades);

                e)        ear protector;

                f)        uniform, identifying the company contracted (pants and shirt or coveralls; dust coats are not allowed);
                g)        others, if the Rigesa Safety Sector deems it necessary.

02.*        -        Force all its employees and subcontracted personnel to participate in the Rigesa Safety Sector’s training lecture, before starting the job contracted or any other work, when each participant will receive a copy of the instructions received; at least the following topics will be approached::

                a)        Identify and determine observance of the safety standards where the job is performed;

                b)        Comment on the basic work safety concepts;

                c)        Determine the necessary EPI (Personal Protection Equipment), according to the job and its correct use;

                d)        Present the film on Work Accident Prevention.

03.        -        Keep its employees and/or subcontracted personel duly trained and capacitated to perform the work contracted.

04.        -        Inform its employees and/or subcontracted personnel on the project and/or services, as well as the location where they are performed.

05.*        -        Contact the person responsible for the job and/or services and/or Requester (designated by Rigesa), before initiating any part of the work contracted, to provide the necessary “Work Permit”.

06.        -        Note that to perform certain types of work, as: perforation, using jackhammers and other jobs that throw loose solid particles, the use of safety glasses is obligatory, not only for the employees doing the work but also for those nearby.

07.        -        Submit all electrical equipment to be used and or installed to previous inspection by the Rigesa Electrical Sector, before using and/or installing them.

08.        -        Orient and request its employees and/or subcontracted personnel to shave and/or keep beards closely cut whenever breathing protection is needed.

* the Safety Sector of the Unit can decide whether these items should or not be totally or partially applied to the work to be performed in certain areas, as, for example: Administrative, Informatics, Consulting and Maintenance of Office Equipment.

Enclosure II

Sheet No.: 2/6

09.        -        Orient and request its employees and/or subcontracted personnel to keep long hair tied while performing the work contracted.

10.        -        Request the presence of the Rigesa Electric Sector representative to obtain information on the local electrical system and other piping. The Company Contracted/Supplier of Services should only start the job after receiving a “Work Permit”.

11.        -        Provide isolation and identification of the work areas (inside the plant) which could present accident risks, as predetermined by Rigesa, except if there is contrary orientation, in writing.

12.        -        Keep a responsible person (supervisor, job foreman or leader) always on the job, accompanying the work.

13.        -        Determine its employees and/or subcontracted personnel to observe the following rules while working:

                a)        Use shirts buttoned down and inside the pants;

                b)        Only smoke in the clearly marked and signalled areas;

                c)        Do not carry wiping cloths or waste in pockets, specially near pulleys, ropes, chains, cables and belts, gears and other                         similar moving equipment;

                d)        Do not execute any adjusting, maintenance or cleaning near pulleys, chains, ropes, cables, beots, gears and other                         similar moving equipment;

                e)        Do not allow employees to wear long hair loose next to the machinery;

                f)        Do not permitir the use of wrist watches, bracelets, rings or chains, loose jackets, dust coats, next to machinery and/or equipment.

14.        -        Inform its employees and/or subcontracted personnel they have the following obligations:

                a)         Comply with the determinations of this standard and the others informed by Rigesa;

                b)        In case of fire or any other emergency, act calmly, accompanying the behavior of the Rigesa employees;


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