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As Estruturas de Dados em Listas

Por:   •  10/9/2022  •  Relatório de pesquisa  •  3.861 Palavras (16 Páginas)  •  129 Visualizações

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/* ----------------------------------------------

Cainan Travizanutto && Gabriel Maestre - 2022;

#ifndef data_structs_assignment_done

#define project_1_data_structures_lab


------------------ QUICK INFO -------------------

This is not meant to be used in production, only for study purpose

All static functions are meant to be used internally, thus the _prefix format

If user calls function with wrong parameters the function will either return and don't display any errors

or behave improperly



create list: takes a pointer to list pointer and data to be inserted

split: takes two pointers to list pointers, the original list and the one to be splited to, and the data of the new first node of the latter list

insert: takes a list pointer, a bool, witch if true inserts in order else after a specific node (last argument), and data to be inserted

remove: takes a list pointer and a bool, which if true removes all nodes, else a specific one

print: it prints ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


-------------------- SUMMARY --------------------

64 -> Structs

84 -> Prototypes of Functions

119 -> Implementation of Simple Linked List

119-127 Create a Simply List

129-149 Split Simply List

151-196 Insert Simply List

198-240 Remove Simply List

242-250 Print Simply List

252 -> Implementation of Head Simply Linked List

252-270 Create a Head Simply List

272-295 Split Head Simply List

297-309 Insert Head Simply List

311-325 Remove Head Simply List

327-332 Print Head Simply List

334 -> Implementation of Circular Linked List

334-343 Create a Circular List

345-373 Split Circular List

375-423 Insert Circular List

425-473 Remove Circular List

475-485 Print Circular List

487 -> Implementation of Doubly Linked List

487-496 Create a Doubly List

498-519 Split Doubly List

521-571 Insert Doubly List

573-609 Remove Doubly List

611-619 Print Doubly List

624 -> License


#ifndef _PROJECT1_H

#define _PROJECT1_H

#ifndef _BOOL

typedef enum{ false, true } bool;


#include <stdio.h>

#include <stdlib.h>

#include <stdarg.h>

// Holds a data data of int type and a struct pointer to the next element in the list

typedef struct simple_node {

int data;

struct simple_node *next;

} node;

// Holds list size and a struct pointer to first element of the list

typedef struct head_node {

int size;

struct simple_node *first;

} h_node;

// Holds a data data of int type and two struct pointers, one to the next element in the list and one to the prior

typedef struct doubly_node {

int data;

struct doubly_node *next;

struct doubly_node *prev;

} d_node;

//------------------------------ SIMPLE LINKED LIST ------------------------------//

void node_create_list(int data, node** list);

void node_split_list(node** list_split_from, node** list_split_to, int node_pos_data);

void node_insert(node *list, int data, bool in_order, ...);

void node_remove(node **list, bool delete_all, ...);

void node_print_list(node *list);

//------------------------- SIMPLE LINKED LIST WITH HEAD -------------------------//

void h_node_create_list(int data, h_node **list);

void h_node_split_list(h_node** head_split_from, h_node** head_split_to, int node_pos_data);

void h_node_insert(h_node *head, int data, bool in_order, ...);

void h_node_remove(h_node **head, bool delete_all, ...);

void h_node_print_list(h_node *head);

//----------------------------- CIRCULAR LINKED LIST -----------------------------//

void c_node_create_list(node **list, int data);

void c_node_split_list(node** list_split_from,


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