Exercícios de Procedures, triggers e Views em Banco de dados
Por: gghxd • 23/10/2022 • Trabalho acadêmico • 776 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 155 Visualizações
Exercises involving Views, Procedures, Functions and Triggers
Consider the instance implemented and populated in SQL in the last activity for the LIBRARY
relational database schema in the next page, which is used to keep track of books, borrowers, and
book loans. Referential integrity constraints are shown as directed arcs in the figure.
Implement the following exercises using both PostgreSQL (PL/pgSQL) and Oracle Database
(PL/SQL) a sequence of SQL instructions to perform the following actions granting that no stored
data is lost or damaged. Submit a file with the script for PostgreSQL and another file for the
Oracle’s script, clearly delimiting the exercises in each script.
1. Create a materialized view month_borrowers that shows the data (card_no, name, address, and
phone) from the borrowers who had (or have) more than one loan whose length (i.e., the difference
between the date out and the due date) is greater than or equal to 30 days. The view should also
show the loan length, the book title and the branch name of these loans. Besides, perform updates to
the base tables, eventually run statements to make the DBMS update the view, and show the state of
the up-to-date materialized view.
2. Assume that after having deployed the database and loaded it with data, the library manager
decided to store book copies individually. From now on, the database should store an id, the
acquisition date, and the current conditions (fine, good, fair, or poor) for each copy. Book loans
should refer to a specific book copy. The attribute no_of_copies should no longer be stored in the
database. However, existing applications should "see" the database as if the schema had not been
updated for backward compatibility.
• Create a temporary table to save the current number of copies of each book in each branch.
• Implement the commands to perform the necessary change to the database schema.
• Write a query or a function that returns/shows the inconsistencies between the number of
copies of a book in a branch in the updated schema and the respective number of copies in
the temporary table. That is, identify the cases these numbers do not match.
• Insert book copies into the updated schema until there is no more such an inconsistency.
Commit the changes and drop the temporary table.
• Create a view with the same name as the old table (book_copies), showing the same content.
That is, an application could interact with the view as it was the old table.
◦ A delete from the view should trigger the deletion of the tuples corresponding to the
book copies.
◦ An update on the view to attributes book_id or branch_id should be automatically
redirected to the base tables.
◦ An update on the view reducing the number of copies cannot be accepted.
◦ An insert into the view or an update on the view increasing the number of copies should
trigger the insertion of book copy tuples such that the number of copies matches the
value provided to the update statement. The new tuples' id should be set using a