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National Social Work Day brings out the importance of this profession

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Home / Featured / National Social Worker Day brings out the importance of this profession

National Social Work Day brings out the importance of this profession

Posted by: cress_sergipe in Featured, News May 16, 2015

NATIONAL DAY "There is nothing great without passion." It is with this phrase thinker Friedrich Hegel that the social worker and retired professor from UFS, Elisa Maria da Cruz, describes his profession. With over 40 years of experience in social work, she explains that the professional in this area is, above all, a love that nourishes hope, always, to see the world become a more just and egalitarian place, free from exploitation and oppression . And the category celebrated on Friday, 15, the National Day of the / a Social Worker.

The mission of the social worker is to contribute to improving the living conditions of workers, exploited children, the population in the streets and of all individuals on the margins of society and do not access their fundamental rights. "We fight and we operate a rescue process of citizenship based on a Marxist theoretical framework, ie realizing the contradictions of the capitalist system and the exploitation and oppression to which the population is subjected; realizing social classes in a perspective of social inclusion, the fight for the rescue of citizenship and understanding citizenship as having rights to have rights ", illustrated Maria Elisa.

Ingred Palmieri Oliveira, a member of the Regional Council of Social Services (CRESS), explains that the Social Service has three fundamental dimensions of social work, which function as this professional performance of the pillars and complement each other without overlapping: methodological theoretical, ethical- political and operative technique. "The methodological theoretical line, for example, it is important to give support to our profession and to our work. It is essential to understand reality as it presents itself to quepossamos intervene in it in a more efficient way, trying to see the demands that are put in its multiple dimensions, "said the social worker.

The president of CRESS, Itanamara Guedes explains that the nature of the profession is intrinsic to the struggle of social movements. "We have a profession engaged in social struggle, which is the defense of a society guided by the principles of equality and freedom, social justice and public policy. To achieve all this, it is important to workers in the organization and especially the organization of social workers, "he argued. "We need to occupy the spaces, take the advice, take to the streets to stop a project of society that has only hurt the workers and the people who are on the margins of society," he said.

For Maria Elisa da Cruz, the trajectory of Social Service is intertwined with the history of social transformation in the country. "When I left the university, Brazil was the height of its military dictatorship. And our profession, which deals with social issues, was tied by the country situation of repression. Today, with all the contradictions we live in a democracy. Over the past 40 years, my time profession, there was a change in the whole of society and social workers have a very large contribution in this change, "he said. "I am passionate about social work. And I would do it again, "says excitedly retired teacher and eternal social worker, Maria Elisa.

playing field

Whoever you think that the professional social work is present only on the chairs of the Departments of Social Welfare. It can act in various fields, in the public, private sector or in non-governmental organizations. In the public sector, help to implement the social assistance policy in any of the areas that cut across the rights assurance. In the private sector, primarily engaged in the promotion of workers' quality of life and social risks prevention programs of companies.

The third sector, which includes civil society initiatives organized nonprofit also represent a range of possibilities for the professional social service, is monitoring projects and actions that seek to defend and guarantee the rights of the population, is performing in meeting families in situations of social vulnerability.


To Itanamara Guedes, the Professional Social Service is experiencing a time of great challenge, given the situation marked by capitale crisis the growth of reactionary sectors in Brazil. "There are a conservative offensive," he lamented. In this regard, she highlighted the role of this professional as an important agent of social transformation.

"It is necessary that, increasingly, the social worker is a critical professional, educated and committed to articulate the ethical and political dimension of our


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