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Servidores IBM

Por:   •  3/11/2015  •  Artigo  •  2.830 Palavras (12 Páginas)  •  148 Visualizações

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10/29/2015 4 Import from C:\Users\brjunij0\Desktop\SAN-B24-8port-FC-Geodis.cfr


Configuration Summary

Hardware Section Totals

Initial orders

Purchase 21,260.85


Overall hardware order (Net Charges)

Purchase USD 21,260.85


Overall System Order (Net Grand Totals)

OTC 21,260.85



1) All list prices are effective as of

10/27/2015, and are subject to change without notice.

Prices do not include any applicable recycling fees.

2) No list prices are provided for multiple

maintenance options.

3) All removed parts belong to IBM on any

upgrade or Return Parts transaction.

4) Informational totals are calculated based

upon current list price and do not reflect

the prices actually paid by the customer.

Base starting-point prices show only the

recurring charges.

Configuration Comments:

Created on October 29, 2015 at 02:54PM by BRJUNIJ0

Custom ServicePacs require scoping assistance


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