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Por:   •  13/7/2021  •  Monografia  •  600 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  121 Visualizações

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DISCIPLINA: Língua Inglesa

PROFA. Marcia Pinho

TURMA: 2º ANO    

ESTUDANTE: Lucas Gabriel dos Santos Cardoso


It is possible to connect a number of computers and other electronic devices to create a computer network. The computers and devices which are part of the network can “talk” to each other and exchange information. In addition to the computers and devices which are connected to other devices are often needed for the network to work correctly. Examples for such devices include hubs and switches. Different kinds of network can be connected to each other with a router. Firewalls are commonly used to protect the network. In general, networks that use cables to connect can operate at higher speeds than those using wireless technology.

A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers which are close together. Building a LAN is easier than connecting different networks by a Wide Area Network (WAN). The largest Wide Area Network is the Internet. Computers can be part of several different networks. Networks can also be part of bigger networks. The local area network in a regional office or store is usually connected to the main corporate network. These connections may allow access to the Internet, for example to show computers in a store, display its catalogue through a web server, or convert received orders into shipping instructions.

A network must be connected with appropriate hardware. This can be wired or wireless. For a simple LAN, computers, media and peripherals are sufficient. WANs and some large LANs need some additional devices like a bridge, gateway or router to connect different small or large networks. A network needs a communication protocol. Microsoft Windows, Linux and other operating systems use TCP/IP. Apple Macintosh computers used Appletalk in the 20th century, but also use TCP/IP now.

( Adaptado)


1-What’s the text about?

Computer network.

2- What do Firewalls mean?

Firewalls are commonly used to protect the network.

3- What does LAN stand for?

A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers which are close together.

4- What is TCP/IP?

TCP/IP is a set of communication protocols between computers on a network.


  1. O que são networks?

Conjunto de dispositivos conectados em um único sistema.

  1. O que significa WAN?

WAN é a rede de ampla área, uma rede de computadores ligados do mundo exterior. 

  1. Qual a diferença de LAN E WAN?

A LAN conecta computadores que estão próximos uns dos outros, ou seja, é uma rede de curta distância. WAN é uma rede de longa distância, conecta diversos dispositivos em várias áreas.

  1. Qual a diferença entre WIRED e WIRELESS?

Wireless(sem fio) é uma rede sem fio, ou seja, não utiliza de cabos ou fios. Já o Wired(com fio) é uma rede oposta ao wirelles, utiliza cabos e pios.

  1. Observando que –less é um sufixo, qual sentindo ele vai dar as palavras as quais ele for adicionado?

Sentido de que não há (SEM). Exemplo: Wired/Wireless (com fio/ sem fio)


  1. Em qual tempo verbal está escrito o texto? E como você pode provar?

Simple present. Verbo to be no infinitivo.

  1. Passe essa frase para a forma interrogativa:

A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers.

Does a local area network (LAN) connect computers?

  1. Passe essas frases para a forma do passado simples:
  1. A network needs a communication protocol.

 A network needed a communication protocol.

  1. Building a LAN is easier than connecting different networks.

 Building a LAN was easier than connecting different networks.

  1. Passe essa frase para o Present Continuous:

A Local Area Network (LAN) connects computers.


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