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Business Analysis Capstone

Por:   •  9/11/2020  •  Resenha  •  524 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  110 Visualizações

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Module Main Topics What Did I learn Usefulness

1 Leadership


Underlying Competences

What’s RAPS behaviours and how to remember of it to make your team stronger. When use each one of existing tools and technology to deliver a better result. Contribute to the use of facilitative behaviours on group dynamics. Reach my own level of knowledge in my work.

2 Maturity Model

Centre of Excellence

Why BA?

Reach Success


KPIs We need to determine maturity levels in order to reach a better development in BA. We also are responsible for build KPIs and put the company among others, measuring the `position` in the market (benchmarking). Improve teams, maturity and productivity. Build or increase the level of the Centre of Excellence, paying attention in Value, Alignment and Communication, to reach the success.





Goals and Objectives

How to build tools to define goals and objectives in your work. How to use these tools and, being a BA, implant them in your team, thinking ahead and going beyond with definitions and consequently better results. Clearing the goals and objectives of your team / company. Engage your team into your goals, building together and compromising each person in the same objectives.

4 Negotiation

Conflict Resolution

Stakeholder Analysis


How to manage conflicts among your stakeholders and your teams. Negotiating, collaborating, competing, accommodating, avoiding or compromising the involved people, if and when necessary.

5 Interviews




It’s important to create a rapport in each step of being a good and efficient Business Analyst. How to use the tools (interviews, observation and surveys) to establish connection with your stakeholders. Improving my behavioural characteristics, I can apply my skills in my company and my team, delivering better results and coopting people to defend my ideas.

6 Brainstorming

Team Performance



How to diagnose GRPI with team survey. What are the typical gaps in the team performance? How to use brainstorming in a accurate way. I can understand how my team works, its form and function. Build a constructive role as a team member. Implanting the tools in my team (polling, brainstorming, GRPI etc).

7 Problem Solving

Analytical Thinking

Decision Making

How to build a Decision Matrix,


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