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Por:   •  14/10/2023  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.032 Palavras (5 Páginas)  •  77 Visualizações

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Assessment Task 1

Question 1

  1. A laissez-faire leadership style is one that is founded on trust and dependence on the talents and sense of responsibility of the team members. The leader thinks that the team members can do the assignment, therefore the leader does not micromanage or get too engaged, and instead trusts that the work will be completed appropriately.

1.2. A transformational leadership style is one that pushes people to change and go outside of their comfort zone. This leadership style will generate important and beneficial change in order to accomplish growth and produce innovation for continual task development.

Question 2

2.1. All stakeholders' beliefs and expectations of behaviour will be founded on the organization's vision, purpose, and values. This will be expressed through the organization's message and choices.

2.2. The core organisational values and expectations are:

  • Integrity means being honest and trustable.
  • Integrity means being trustworthy and honest.
  • Work that is professional and private is in the works

Question 3

3.1. By asking about the organization's standards and values, the organization will be able to check their ongoing value and make sure that it still meets the current standards. It will also make sure that the business's morals, standards, and plans for the future are in line with the value and standard of the business.

3.2. The process to raise questions about the organisational standards and values:

  • Check the current quality and worth of the organization.
  • Look over the business's current strategic plan.
  • • Figure out what needs to be fixed and how the standards and values can be expanded.
  • • Build the company's processes around the values

Question 4

4.1. To identify an organisations standards and values, we can use the following:

  • • Using the organization's culture to figure out what kind of important values the organization has.
  • • Using the vision and mission archive to show what the group is good for.
  • From the well-thought-out plan file, which has information about the business's worth.
  •  Meeting records, such as the meeting plan and meeting minutes, to see what kind of important value the group has.
  •  Through the meeting, people can come up with new ideas or get information about the value of the group.

4.2. To find out what an organization's stated and unstated standards and values are, the key stakeholders should be able to talk about it. Through the conversation, it would be easier to figure out what kind of standards and values the organization has and how this will show up in their vision and mission, as well as in other parts of the business.

Question 5

5.1. Example of organisational behaviours that could be damaging to the organisation’s public image:

  • • Using bad language when posting on social media. Since social media is a public place, any rude language used there will be linked to the organization.
  • Spreading false information or rumors about competitors or other things. When an organization does something like this, it will be seen in a bad light and could be sued by people who want to get their money back for what the organization did to hurt competition. Also, customers will lose faith in the business.
  • • Information or data about the organization getting out because of hackers. This means that the business is not safe, which will make clients less likely to trust the company.

5.2. Unacceptable behaviour is behaviour that puts the business at risk or puts the health and safety of the employees at risk. This can include things like bullying, harassment, coercion, discrimination, and aggressive and abusive behaviour.

Question 6

6.1. Behavioural theory is a way of running a business that looks at how employees act at work to decide how to treat them. People who agree with this idea think that all you need to do to be an effective leader is get good at a certain set of ways to act.

6.2. The trait theory of leadership says that people are leaders because they have certain natural or innate traits and qualities. These factors could be about the person's character, their actions, their knowledge, etc. In general, the characteristic hypothesis says that the qualities of the pioneer and the pioneers are important to the success of an organization.


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