Ocorrencia no Trabalho
Por: Caio Magro • 21/11/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 304 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 171 Visualizações
Perth 16/11/2016
Occurrence of work.
Our employee Robert Loveday (chief of security) arrived at the company late for the third time this week. This has been happening for some months, exporadically. Robert is a not very communicative person and since he started arriving late for his work shifts does not explain much, just enter and apologize to one of the supervisors, as Robert has been working with us for over 7 years we have taken over the situation but today I solved Take an attitude and talk to the same to know what is happening because I can see in his face that something is wrong.
After a long conversation with him and trying to prowl to find out what is bothering him to get on his shift on time, I discovered that his wife who works as a nurse now does the night shift and can no longer take the children to school ,, So Robert has to drive every day for 40 minutes to get the two kids to class.
The time of Robert's arrival here is scheduled for 06:30 and departure 14:00, so the entrance time is coinciding with that of the children who begin their studies at the same time as the father.
So I offered Robert two options, he could start his shift at 07:30 and leave at 15:30 on the days he has to take his children to school or we could pay the children's transportation in an accredited Van for this type of service.
Robert replied that he would agree to start his shift a little later but did not trust this type of transportation to his children.
With that I finished the process and now during the week Wednesdays and Fridays Robert now makes his shift from 07:30 to 15:30.
Everything is being working well for both parts since them .
Rafael Sotter.