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Trabalho Fleury

Por:   •  5/5/2015  •  Abstract  •  315 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  231 Visualizações

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Abstract about Fleury

  • Fleury was founded in 1962. It started as a laboratory of clinical analysis attending to the medium class. Just after, they started implementing the new technologies and also new services such as a Diagnostic Center, pathologic exams and others. Always trying to innovate and thinking about the future is the slogan of Fleury.
  • The diversity in Organization is something common and necessary for a company which wishes to be big enough and attend to different customers or suppliers. Fleury has diversity in different aspects, not only with people, but also with technologies and services.
  • They believe that their differentials are in the tradition of developing and introducing new ways of making business which are only possible because of their constant investigation and generation of medicine and health.
  • The company has another competitive differential which came with the culture of innovation present daily in the company, adding value to new incentives and practices. The professionals are part of this differential, once they are always trying to find innovations, strategy and skills to be always more and more competitive.
  • Ameaças de novos entrantes: Como entrar na empresa do ramo de medicina e diagnósticos necessita de altos investimentos, não é grande a probabilidade de novos entrantes no mercado.
  • Poder de barganha dos clientes: Os clientes tem um papel muito importante para o planejamento e crescimento da empresa, o Grupo Fleury disponibiliza tudo sempre voltado para o bem estar do cliente e sua satisfação.
  • Poder de barganha dos fornecedores
  • Receber, em razão de suas atribuições, comissão, presente ou vantagem de qualquer espécie, inclusive convites de caráter pessoal para viagens, hospedagens e outras atrações.
  • Produtos substitutos: A empresa no intuito de não sofrer as consequências de possíveis serviços substitutos, procura oferecer como formas alternativas de satisfazer as necessidades dos clientes ou serviços difereciados, como por exemplo agilidade na entrega de exames, atenção primordial, e serviços on line.


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