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A Analise SWOT de Softwares de Vídeo

Por:   •  24/10/2019  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  418 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  162 Visualizações

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1. Strengths:

· Virtual Dub: Free, multiple resources, erases individual frames.

· Avidemux: Free, edit videos without losing quality.

· Wax: Flexible, high-performance video editing that's good for both professional and home users.

· Wondershare Filmora9: Free; easy to use.

2. Weaknesses:

· Virtual Dub: Could be more comfortable to manage.

· Avidemux: Don't realize complex tasks.

· Wax: Preview Contains Serious Problems When Playing Audio, it does not allow exact positioning or the setting of duration on the timeline.

· Wondershare Filmora9: Does not support 3D authoring.

3. Opportunities:

· Virtual Dub: It has the batch-processing capability to handle large numbers of files and can be complemented by video filters from third-party video editors.

· Avidemux: Save to other formats.

· Wax: Can be used as a standalone application or as a plug-in in other video editors.

· Wondershare Filmora9: Allows professional look in a home video in minutes; offered a very straightforward and concise tutorial.

4. Threats:

· Virtual Dub: Program crashes.

· Avidemux: The program's interface doesn't identify its buttons (time waste).

· Wax: Video formats limited to what it supports.

· Wondershare Filmora9: It no longer features storyboard editing.

From the above SWOT analysis, we can see that Wondershare Filmora9 is a better editor to use than other free video editors for Windows in different ways, because:

1. It's easy to use

2. Makes a home video looks professional

3. Any doubts I have I can check the tutorial

4. It's free

5. It's fast

6. It doesn't seem to crash frequently.


Lifewire, 2019. Lifewire. [Online]



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