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Por:   •  4/4/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  347 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  375 Visualizações

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English Test

Name:                                                                                                            Date:

Match the corrects sentences

Question 1

  1. I sleep every Thursday before noon
  2. I slept today before noon
  3. I sleep very well in the afternoon
  4. I sleep every Tuesday after noon

Question 2

  1. She’s good at playing chess
  2. She isn’t good at playing chess
  3. She’s not bad at playing chess
  4. He’s good at playing chess

Question 3

  1. I was watching TV when she arrived
  2. I were watching TV when she arrived
  3. I was watching TV when she came
  4. I was watching TV with her

Question 4

  1. I sleep every Thursday before noon
  2. I slept today before noon
  3. I sleep very well in the afternoon
  4. I sleep every Tuesday after noon

Question 5

  1. Tennis is a good game
  2. Tennis is a very good game
  3. Tennis is very good
  4. Tennis isn’t good

Question 6

  1. Their parents are very rigorous
  2. They’re parents are very rigorous
  3. Their parents aren’t very rigorous
  4. Their parents was very rigorous

Question 7

  1. You’re so funny!
  2. You’re very funny
  3. You’re not very funny
  4. You are fun

Question 8

  1. Can you lend me your pencil?
  2. Can you lend me your pen?
  3. Can you lend his your pen?
  4. Could you lend me your pencil?

Question 9

  1. I’m not marriage. I’m single.
  2. I’m marriage. I’m not single
  3. I was married. Now I’m single
  4. I’m married and single

Question 10

  1. She doesn’t like to eat cake very much
  2. She likes to eat cake very much
  3. She does like eat cake very much
  4. She doesn’t like eating cake.


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