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Por:   •  19/11/2022  •  Abstract  •  858 Palavras (4 Páginas)  •  110 Visualizações

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Grupo: Maria Alice Borges - Camila Borges (mãe)

Professora: Dulcenei

Análise Argumentativa

Skipping the line – What’s wrong about it?

The main function of a line is to keep equality between people and to be fair, but nowadays, we are facing a different kind of situation. It seems as if everything can be exchanged for an amount of money, so, unfortunately, the priorities change and who can pay more, get more advantages.

That kind of behavior that is becoming more and more common makes the poor people always at the end of lines - or at the worst side of any situation - from wasting more time in lines at amusement parks to losing basic rights because they can't pay enough to have it.  This doesn't sound fair, mainly because we are in a very complex system where it's not exactly always your fault the position you are in society, so it's difficult to think in a way where anything can be ruled by money, ignoring every other aspect.

So the critical thinking about it is: until what point is it ok to pay to have advantage over others? Is there a healthy boundary? Maybe some people agree that if you have the money, you have the right (any right). I think it's a little bit more complicated than this, and it demands a deeper analysis about each case, but in general, the focus should be on the kind of advantage that is on the table and whether it's going to harm someone else or not. For example, one thing that is very common in Brazil is when you are trying to get an appointment with a doctor and if you pay more for it you can schedule it way sooner than if you intend to pay less. In this specific case, the attention has to be on what kind of medical service we are talking about. If a person is having mental issues and is capable of waiting (but that is definitely not the ideal situation), the doctor has to respect his basic ethics and do his function as a doctor that is to help people as fast as they can and don't make the patient wait unnecessarily just because of the extra money he could get.  But if the doctor is specialized in aesthetics and beauty, is it ok if the patient skips the line and get a sooner appointment because he or she is able to pay more? The point is that every situation is different from one another and it's not simple to generalize, but most of the times I think it's really unfair to get behind someone just because of the money.

Roteiro Furando a Fila

Onde vamos chegar? Comprando coisas que não devem ser compradas!

        Acho que não deveríamos comprar tudo o que está na nossa frente, exemplo: fila do show, não deveríamos comprar fila do show só porque temos dinheiro ou porque estamos ansiosos. E sim deveríamos esperar chegar a nossa vez, mas por quê fazer isso?        

        Na minha opinião deveríamos esperar chegar a nossa vez porque senão a vida estaria "ganha" se nós tivermos dinheiro, pois não precisaríamos esperar em uma fila. Precisamos respeitar o direito, de não comprar alguém ou comprar o próprio fura fila. Pois sabemos que tem pessoas à nossa volta que não tem a mesma condição que a gente.


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