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Project life cycle

Por:   •  5/12/2015  •  Trabalho acadêmico  •  1.496 Palavras (6 Páginas)  •  151 Visualizações

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Project Lifecycle        


Recommendation :        

        Bibliography: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………6


I wish first to thanks to God for the health and wisdom granted every day …

To all my family always present in my life.

And a big  special thank you to Alan and Katie,  that transmit their knowledge in classes with affection…

Thanks very much !!!

In the great battles of life, the first step to victory is the desire to win.

( Mahatma Gandhi )


A project is a temporary endeavor with start date and end, whose goal is to create or improve a product or service. Managing a project is to act in order to achieve the proposed goals within certain parameters of quality, according to a previous planning time and costs.

Many businesses are adopting the structure of projects in their day-to-day. From designing a new software deployment procedures to customer service, from building a bridge to the review of sales processes in order to increase the rate of closure of business, many developments within organizations fit into class projects.

According to Slevin (1988) concluded that "the success of the project is something complex and often illusory, but even then, success is of crucial importance for effective implementation of the project "

The success or failure of a project are relative, depends on the perspective of each stakeholder in the project part. For example, a project may fail for not meeting the requirements of customers, however you can add some value to the company or the team that developed the project, which enables some people to believe that the project was a success.

Factors that show success:

  • results were achieved on time and budget;
  • stakeholders are mostly satisfied with the results of the project;
  • the work performed brought advances that can bring competitive advantage for the organization.

Factors that showed the failure of the project:

  • project exceeded costs and deadlines
  • inadequate processes were applied to manage projects;
  • stakeholders were dissatisfied with the results.
  • project met the requirements but did not solve the business needs.

Challenged : Meaning that at least one of the four conditions was not met  or it took longer than expected, or the scope, goals, and objectives were somehow compromised .

Project Lifecycle

Project Name

Implementation of  MRP and JIT system


Enter the Date (12/02/2013)

Project Lifecycle Information

Project Lifecycle
and Phases

(select one
Lifecycle and
Phase only)

Project Management      ☐Project Funding Approval      ☐Acquisition                    

 ☐System Development

 ☐Initiation                           ☐State Funding                         Acquisition Planning    

 ☐Requirements Analysis  ☐Project Closeout                     ☐State / Federal Funding        

 ☐Contracting                      ☐Design                                      ☐System Termination                                                        ☐Product Acceptance        ☐Developmen    ☐Test          ☐Implementation

Knowledge Area

Lesson Learned That Worked

What Worked Well Recommendation

Lesson Learned That Didn’t Work

What Didn’t Work Well Recommendation


  1. Scope Statement
  2. Progress Reports
  3. Recruitment of new staff
  4. Reduce supplier lead time
  5. Implementation of  JIT & MRP system
  6. Product cost
  1. Inventory control worked very well
  2. ABC Analysis
  3. Implementation JIT & MRP system some aspect

  1. The initial strategy of company
  2. Product cost
  3. Work with many suppliers
  1. I  recommend the company   reduce the supplier lead time
  2. Buy the new software
  3. Not change the strategy constantly
  4. Keep Team work and Team Communication


  1. Meet the budget
  2. Reduce lead time
  3. Safety time  with MRP & JIT system
  4. Finish on time
  1. Keep respect the time of schedule
  2. Keep delivers the product on time
  3. Keep using MRP &  JIT system
  1. Waste time
  2. Delay in delivery
  3. Employee coming late
  1. I recommend no waste time
  2. Fast delivery everyday
  3. Employee arriving in time to meet customers


  1. System implementation 
  2. Reduce the number of suppliers
  3. Reduce stock
  4. Control and reduce costs
  1. I recommend keep reducing cost
  2. Keep using  MRP & JIT to cut down the cost

  1. No reduce purchasing cost
  2. Need  minimise costs

  1. I recommend cut off all services with high cost
  2. Keep reduce cost  in everyday


  1. Product and services with hight quality
  2. Customer satisfaction
  3. Better customer service
  1. I recommend keep make the customer happy
  2. Please the customer in the promise time
  3. Keep using  MRP & JIT system
  1. Cheap  toy products
  2.  Low quality service
  3. Expensive toy with no quality

  1. I recommend

a better customer service in the goods & services


  1. Communication plan in some aspect
  2. Audience in some aspect
  3. Deliverables and frequency  in some aspect
  1. When one speaks the other listens
  2. Discuss key points
  3. Keep ask question

  1. Team communication
  2. Poor communication
  1. I recommend clear transmission of information
  2.  A better communication among the team members

Risk Management

  1. Risk identification
  2. Risk analysis
  3. Risk response
  4. Monitoring and control
  1. I recommend keep monitoring and control the internal and external risk.
  2. Keep using the Brainstorming  & Delphi method

  1. No Skilled staff
  2. No good suppliers

  1. I recommend that  staff have enough required skill
  2. Good and cheapest supplier

Human Resources

  1. Training
  2. Motivation
  3. Direction people to work on the project

  1. I recommend the company invest in employees with more training
  2. keep evaluating the performance of employees
  3. keep selection the right people to work in the company
  1. Work with wrong people
  2. Work with people that not listening
  1. I recommend hire the right people
  2. A better analyze in the profile of employees that are being hired


  1. Buyer
  2. Seller
  3. Fixed Price
  4. Product & Service
  5. Time and Material
  6. Less Cost

  1. I recommend the company Toymaster select their sellers

  1. Product  and Services with low cost
  2. Fixed price
  1. The company have many suppliers
  1. Very expensive toy
  1. No fixed price
  1. I recommend select the seller
  2. Fixed price
  3. Work with few suppliers

 In my opinion I sort my group as the Challenged Project .

 Because of (Lack communication and Teamwork)

In our project, team members do not provide sufficient information among members. And this lack of communication has affected some parts of the project, such as Communication Plan. (sometimes look like a bunch of individuals) and not teamwork.


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