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The Letter of Complaint

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Leandro Ferreira de Souza

IPT - P Tuesday and Thursday From 08:10pm to 9:50pm

Chácara Santo Antonio Unity - June 01st, 2020

Teacher Bruno Vitale

Writing Task #1 ESSAY

In 240-280 words, write an effective essay presenting your views on one of the two themes assigned.

“The importance of English language skills in securing a job in the Brazilian market”

In a globalised world, knowledge of foreign language is an important skill. Studying another language helps to understand the culture of the studied language which will assist in a corporation’s decision making process. Being able to speak English in Brazil is no longer something that will differentiate a person, but an oblied request for a candidate to a job position. English is the language of international business, so increasing it is just as important for business in native and non-native English-speaking countries. There are surveys that show English language skills are important for over 95% of employers in many countries and territories where English is not an official language.

Although not officially, English is considered the universal language, in business, on the internet and in general life. A large number of people from many countries learn it as a second language, and in Brazil, speaking English besides Portuguese has become essential, specially when it comes to getting a job or to keep the one you already have or for those that desire a higher position post!

Youth and mature people employability is one of the major challenges across Brazil. This shortage of opportunity not only for young people but also to older people, has a profound impact on their lives themselves and the cultural and social aspects also. Brazilians who speak other languages tend to have better opportunities and, consequently, higher salaries than people who have only a basic knowledge of another language or those only speak Portuguese. In a recent research made by Catho, in which 2,444 job positions in 19 thousand companies in Brazil were analysed, comparing different hierarchical and fluency levels in English and Spanish. It was shown that the fluency in another language can increase the employee’s salary in up to 51,89% and in some cases, to even more than that. Technical English for understanding specific manuals and software, conversation (speaking and listening) skills for international representatives, clients and suppliers, these demands and preferences vary significantly according to the company’s professional sector. The English language needs of industrial and technological firms vary according to the sector they operate in. For example, in the operations department the requirement is for practical, technical and objective knowledge while in the sales department, conversations skills are more important.

Language learning is entirely beneficial in current scenario, due the fact that offers important cognitive benefits at any age, helping to keep the mind active and even reducing the risk of mental disease and slowing mental decline later in life! It boosts opportunities for professional success, strengthening communities and to promote ideas! So shall we learn it right now?


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