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Reconstrução Terminal Padre Pelagio

Por:   •  17/4/2019  •  Abstract  •  298 Palavras (2 Páginas)  •  141 Visualizações

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The present work aims at the reconstruction of the Padre Pelágio Terminal in Goiânia, Goiás, due to the need to create a new vision on regional urban bus terminals in Brazil. The cities face each day, the most difficult, insoluble and challenging obstacles related to the mobility of people, which is increasingly compromising the quality of life in large metropolises with the increase in the number of individual vehicles, increased pollution, increased accidents , increased time spent on congestion, and travel time among others, increasing the difficulty in displacing people. Terminals are important elements within the public transport integration system, but often designers do not emphasize their true importance in studies of the flow of vehicles and people. Due to this the distance of the route that the user has to move, impairing the efficiency and quality of the process. The Padre Pelágio Urban Bus Terminal is an important node of the public transportation network of Goiânia and the metropolitan region, it was inaugurated in 1985, the works were developed by the Department of Transportation and the service offered was managed by TRANSURB. After 13 years of its inauguration, it has begun to receive minor reforms that did not solve its design problems. The bus terminals by definition have the characteristic of converging a large number of users of the most varied ages, beliefs, socio-economic characteristics, and that come or go from the most varied destinations. Therefore, the same should be considered an icon for the propagation of architectural values of a public work, since it attracts all the looks of the population that uses it and not go unnoticed as it happens today being seen as an urban scar of discomfort and neglect

Keywords: Public transportation. Bus terminal. Reconstruction. Urban mobility. Goiânia. Northwest region. Padre Pelágio Terminal. 


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