Summary Insecurity-Inducing Advertising
Por: Samuel Aguiar • 25/11/2016 • Abstract • 306 Palavras (2 Páginas) • 277 Visualizações
Now, with the accelerated development of the technologies of the information, the consumer becomes vulnerable objective of the publicities transmitted in the several existent channels and used by the creative agencies, entrusted of announcing products and services of the most varied species. Such announcers occasionally incur instants abuses to the prerogatives “consumeristas”, due to the pernicious attempt of imposing the interests of the suppliers on the one of the consuming potentials of the presented products, neglecting, in his/her formulation, indispensable cares to the health and the users' physical and moral integrity. That confirms the disrespect to fundamental beginnings guaranteed constitutionally, as the condemnation of the most varied types of prejudices; the conservation of the environment; the warranty of the health etc. The abusive publicity illustrates that problem well, being characterized by attacking ingrained social values, without necessarily to deceive in his/her matter. In an of their specific slopes, as abusive publicity capable to induce the consumer behaving from way harmful or dangerous to his/her health or safety, foreseen in the legislation “consumerista”, he/she reveals the need of the preservation of ethical values and present fundamental beginnings not only in the Federal Constitution as well as in the Brazilian Code of Advertising Self Regulamentation, of CONAR, organization of the civil society entrusted of caring for the ethics and moderation of the advertising field. Like this, the present work seeks to the analysis of the specific type of the abusive publicity capable to induce the consumer behaving from way harmful or dangerous to his/her health or safety, the light of the Federal Constitution and of the Code of CONAR, revealing the harmful consequences originating from of his/her placement besides the applicable and necessary measures to his/her reprehension. For the elaboration of the work, it was used researches bibliographical and exploratory.
KEYWORDS: Right of the Consumer. Publicity abusive insecurity induction.