Declaração de Importante GGFF
Por: Breno Mota • 26/4/2019 • Seminário • 643 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 129 Visualizações
As one month of internship report I will be describing the activities I have done so far. In one month of internship I had several organizational activities like creating documents, but also some practice ones. I had the chance to develop personal projects in the company and I was also had authority to deal with other companies and professionals under the company’s name.
First of all, it’s important to highlight that the company is segmented into two parts, even though they are extremely linked to each other. The first one is a clothing brand, where the company concentrates most of its efforts. The second one is what we call “production”, where we offer several services to company in a B-to-B, these services are highly diversified, such as photographies, designers, music, and so on. The production goal is to raise money to start the clothing brand and boost the marketing investment on it.
For the first moment I have started analyzing one of our current partners, a company called Barnstormer. It’s a clothing retailer that would futurely product our collections. I have made a report with the companies’ characteristics such as the size, market segment, kind of products, and so on. This study would make possible for us to understand their needs and construct a B-to-B strategy and to reduce the prices per T-shirt they would make for us as much as possible in exchange to some services we could offer them.
Moreover, I have created two files: The first one with all the partners we have with their respective informations (such as skills, contact, and so on), and the second one listing everything we are able to offer with their service. These files were important in terms of helping us to organize everything we can to do to make it much more organized to clients to identify specifically their needs.
Also, I started building a strategy to diversify our designers. For example, once we can work with different designers, the clients have much more opportunities to have a service that fits the best with their needs. So with this, I made a market research in Brazil about the prices there and the cost of designers there is much cheaper than the french ones. Thus, that would be highly profitable to make some deals with Brazilian designers as well. So, I have looked for a couple of designers in Brazil and I finally found a group of designers in Fortaleza that started their business relatively soon. It has been less than 2 years they are operating and they are looking forward to increase their market range. With this, I made a deal with them giving them the chance to work on a project with us and finally see their acceptability in the french market. By now We are still waiting for the client feedback to finally decide if we are moving forward or not with this project.
I have also tried to contact a Brazilian singer that has been increasing a lot his popularity nationally to propose him some services. I reached him and his team, but the deal could not be made because they wanted to keep working with the company they used to before. However, it has definitely opened a conversation to future deals. Since he is increasing a lot his number of followers on social media making a work to them would guarantee us some visibility in a different market.
Finally, I have met personally a french artist manager with business in events production as well. In this meeting we were able to make a deal with them to create some content for him and his events. That was a good experience in terms of business communication and so on. It was valuable in terms of knowing the importance of partnerships and exposition of our work in events linked to our company to reach prospective clients.