Roteiro Audio Guia
Por: Laiza Santana • 18/2/2024 • Projeto de pesquisa • 828 Palavras (4 Páginas) • 102 Visualizações
Referência Principal:
Tour completo de São Cristóvão - Conhecendo a cidade mãe de Sergipe
Introdução - Contextualização - Apresentar o panorama do aúdio tour - Instruções gerais - explicar como funciona o aúdio tour
Linguagem pessoal - Perspectiva de conversa direta com o ouvinte e com certa abordagem até mesmo intimista
Take a right into the street ahead and keep walking. We're heading towards the Municipal Market.
I've been living in this city for over seven years now, and every time I'm in downtown Sao Paulo, I am reminded of my first trip here. Back then, it all seemed so chaotic, so loud and so unlike what I'd been used to! Having spent four years in the Japanese countryside prior to my move to Sao Paulo, as you can probably imagine, this city seemed very intense!
To be totally honest with you, the biggest cultural hurdle I found was this - the way Brazilians greet each other! If you are anything like me when I first arrived, you may be surprised to see the amount of hugging and kissing going on between friends in public.
This was certainly quite eye-opening for me at first, having come from a country where physical contact is generally avoided! Nowadays I greet friends and colleagues with kisses and hugs, no problem, but this aspect of life here really took some getting used to!
Continue towards the market.
Direcionamentos pelos nomes das ruas
Direcionar o próximo caminho - Próxima direção
Quando chegar no local, contextualizar o local
Continue walking straight, keeping the Cathedral behind you.
I imagine that by now you'll have probably noticed a number of street vendors, who provide snacks to tourists and commuters alike. And I'm sure that you won't have missed the guys preaching from their bibles! Cathedral Square is not short of people preaching the word of God to those passing by.
Keep walking towards the bottom of the square, past the statue of the priest holding a cross.
Continue straight
You're now walking next to the Sao Bento monastery.
This might not look incredibly impressive from the outside, but inside is another story. The place is just stunning. Unfortunately, photography is banned inside, so be aware of this if you wish to pause this tour to take a look around.
The building was completed in 1922, and nowadays is home to 45 monks. They're known for preparing delicious bread for tourists to purchase in the gift shop. The monastery is also where Pope Bento XVI stayed when he visited Brazil in May of 2007.
Keep walking.
Direções curtas e diretas. Alterar com direções contextualizando o ambiente para trazer uma imersão na experiência.
But right now I advise you to take a look inside Pátio do Colégio.
Before you do, let me know show you where to go next.
With your back to the white building, you're going to make your way to the right of the large statue in the courtyard, heading for the street that runs parallel to the one you just came from.
But now, let’s get back to the Patio do Colegio.
Inside the building, you'll find a coffee shop. But this isn’t just any coffee shop. This is one of the most charming coffee haunts in the city, open from 9am - 4.45pm, every day except Monday.