Samsung análise dos produtos
Por: HEYOH • 17/12/2018 • Projeto de pesquisa • 1.077 Palavras (5 Páginas) • 157 Visualizações
Company and industry brief description
Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd is a multinational company that specializes in the production and distribution of technology goods. It’s sedated in Seul, South Coreia and was founded by Lee Byung-chui more than 80 years ago but only joining the electronical industry in the 70’s, it’s still considered one of the most well know and one of the most prestigious brands of the world nowadays. Currently it’s worth 47,6 billion US dolars on the market and it’s divided in four groups of business (Samsung Group, CJ Group, Hansol Group and Shinsegae Group).
Samsung is now a well-established Brand in the technological industry. It’s safe to say that almost everybody has heard or used their products.
The top competitors go from Apple and Google to Huawei, Asus or Sony, all of them inserting itself in the same type of Market, that is, in the technologies.
Business situation (P&L, markets, products,..)
The brand has a wide range of technological products such as mobile phones, tablets, televisions and many other devices.
Samsung’s Galaxy S mobile phone is a direct answer to IPhone. Of course when Samsung saw the market for the smartphones they couldn’t stay back, they had to be involved. Samsung has been here for a while and in fact a very well established brand name. Samsung’s biggest competitors are obviously IPhone, and Samsung made their galaxy phone models very alike IPhone, to the point where they got sued by Apple because of how similar Samsung’s smartphones were to IPhone.
The phone was first launched in Singapore, Malaysia and South Korea in June 2010, followed by the United States in July. It sold more than one million units within the first 45 days on sale in the United States. At the end of the third quarter of 2010, the company had surpassed the 70 million unit mark in shipped phones, giving it a global market share of 22 percent, trailing Nokia by 12 percent. During the third quarter of 2013, Samsung's smartphone sales improved in emerging markets such as India and the Middle East, where cheaper handsets were popular. As of October 2013, the company offers 40 smartphone models on its US website.
- Marketing situation (marketing mix brief analysis) and key issues
- Product
Samsung has a large quantity of products such as phones, tablets, cameras, televisions, microwaves and other kind of home devices.
Since they produce so many different products this could result in good or bad outcomes. For example, if you have a phone from the brand that works perfectly, next time that you need to buy a laptop for example you already know and are loyal to the brand so the person would just keep buying it without many thought about it. But it can also go otherwise, for example, with the latest problems related to phones and tablets exploding from overheating. This way the image people percept when thinking about it totally change, which could and is turning in a big problem related with loyalty and cash flow.
- Price
Since Samsung has so many different products it isn’t possible to just price them all in the same way.
Although they all have one thing in common, which is their competitive prices from air conditionings to washing machines or televisions. They run against Panasonic, Whirlpool or LG respectively.
In various categories, Samsung keeps competitive pricing so as to beat the competitor. Samsung difficultly uses penetrative pricing because it doesn’t enter late in the market.
They also use skimming price which consists in being the first one to come up with a innovative ideas and once their competitors try or finally do the same Samsung drops the price, this way they are always ahead of the competition.
- Place
Nowadays the retail segment is including many large retailers like Hypercity whom are very present in the modern electronic retail chain. In many cities Samsung as a single distributor thought out a whole territory.
The distributor and the company, go hand in hand for the sale of Samsung’s products. All material of Samsung will be sold to a single distributor who in turn will sell it forward to retailers.
- Promotion
Advertising is the best form of promotion to engage potential consumers and position the brand. Samsung promotes new products not only by going digital but as offline methods as well (newspapers, big placards, posters…). They use big celebrities with many followers on social media to be influencers, giving them the products to review or to publicise. Samsung also is known for sponsoring events and offers heavy discounts during national festivals.