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Female Genital Mutilation

Por:   •  6/5/2016  •  Ensaio  •  521 Palavras (3 Páginas)  •  284 Visualizações

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Female Genital Mutilation

The Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) is defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) and UNICEF, among other international agencies, such as "all procedures involving total or partial removal of female external genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs for cultural or other non-therapeutic reasons." FGM, is based on a deep sex inequality and reflects a practice linked to tradition and religion, which are cultural aspects.

It is common knowledge that cultural practices are not always in harmony with the universal declaration of human rights, because there is a clash between the principle of cultural diversity and the human rights, which are considered universal and inalienable; in an international level, the practice of female genital mutilation is considered an extreme violation of human rights.

Focus on this particular case, occurred in Indonesia, where the practice of FGM is a cultural and religious belief, quite widespread and rooted: answering the main question about the temporary legitimacy of "medicalization" of non-harmful types of circumcision, taking into account the fatwas of the Ulema Council and the cultural diversity, I’m of the opinion that: on one hand, due to the harmful consequences of the practice of FGM in girls and women, I’m in favour of the temporary medical intervention, so that the suffering of both, can be attenuated; but on the other hand, I consider FGM a crime against humanity.

My favourable position is based on cold and insensitive method, due to the way of how the female mutilation is made: it is usually performed, for example, by a midwife using a cutting blade, with or without anaesthesia.

FGM affects the health of women and girls, it’s also a permanent damage to health, and can cause or cause definitely bleedings, infections, bleeding of adjacent organs, violent pain; but also presents some late complications such as malignant scars, chronic urological infections, obstetrical complications, and psychological and social problems.

So, temporary medical assistance, even if not acceptable in the eyes of human rights, turns out to be also acceptable in the point of view that we all are equal and the state in question has a duty to protect its people, and this was the form adopted by the Council of Ulema: ban the prohibition, saying that such elimination went against the Sharia terms. Medical help was allowed to all licensees in the area to practice FGM. The purpose of it was to protect women and girls from unsafe and harmful practice of female circumcision.

But as I said before, I believe that the practice of FGM, in my opinion, as a crime against humanity. The FGM is a socio-cultural practice that violates the right of every young woman to develop physically or sexually in a healthy and normal way. Laws to outlaw and criminalize this practice have been introduced, and although many criminal codes do not directly mention the terms Female Circumcision or Female Genital Mutilation, is perfectly framed as a form of serious abuse of a child and qualified corporal injury. In my opinion it’s an act of torture and sexual abuse.


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