Aprendizagem de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira
Por: Guilherme Albuquerque • 11/8/2016 • Trabalho acadêmico • 517 Palavras (3 Páginas) • 241 Visualizações
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Aprendizagem de Inglês como Língua Estrangeira March 30, 2016
- Goal number one would be to have students using the target language communicatively, also enhancing their own learning, and how to learn from one another.
- The teacher’s initial role is a counselor, with the teacher’s recognition of how threatening a new learning situation can be for adult learners, so that he can support his students and help them use the target language that is being learned.
- Students usually have a conversation using their native language, with the teacher helping them express themselves using translation in chunks, which are recorded and then replayed, sounding like a fairly fluid conversation. Later on, a transcript is made of the conversation, and native language equivalents are written beneath the target language words. A lot of activities are conducted during class, which allows students to explore the language that was just generated.
- It changes within the lesson and overtime. Students sometimes are assertive, and then the teacher facilitates their ability to express themselves using the target language. The teacher goes around the classroom providing positive encouragement. After a certain period of time, students assume more responsibility over the class. The act of building a relationship among students is very important, as they can learn from their interaction with each other as well as their interaction with the teacher, remaining the spirit of cooperation, not competition in the classroom.
- The response to the students’ feelings is very important. One regular activity used is to invite students to comment on how they feel, with the teacher listening to each comment carefully and showing understanding, the teacher can help them overcome negative feelings that could block their learning. Sometimes the teacher uses the student’s native language, telling students what they are going to be doing in class and etc.
- Language is for communication. During the learning process, both teacher and student are building trust in one another. After a period of time, students develop creative and critical thinking; hence culture is an integral part of language learning.
- Grammar points, pronunciation patterns, and vocabulary, but the most important skills are to understand and speaking the language at the very beginning, with reinforcement through reading and writing.
- To boost students’ security.
- There is no particular mode of evaluation prescribed, but if necessary the teacher could apply a test that follows the parameters of the Community Language Learning Method.
- Teachers should work with what the students have produced in a non-threatening way, for example, repeating correctly what the student has said incorrectly, without calling too much attention to the error.
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